Belfast Telegraph




7. Unplaced (6,7) 8. Visited (6,2) 9. Scene (4)

10. Edge (6)

12. Most certain (6) 14. Mediterran­ean island (6) 16. Deny connection with (6) 18. Lighting device (4) 20. Sudden collapse (8) 22. Upper-case character (7,6)


1. The science of time (8) 2. Selected (6)

3. Old (4)

4. Calm (8) 5. Tremble (6) 6. Liberate (4) 11. Remaining (8) 13. Winged insects (8) 15. Mend (6) 17. Freedom from danger (6) 19. Biblical man (4) 21. Volition (4)



7. Arriving at present in

this place, but not in

the first three (6,7)

8. Used reference books, as

astronomer­s did (6,2)

9. The prospect is that we

will be back by six (4)

10. One who takes ship, we

hear, for the frontier (6)

12. It's most certain the others

will follow us back (6)

14. An island conifer, by the

sound of it (6)

16. Set seed in a row,

but don't assert any

proprietar­y right (6)

18. See 17 Down

20. Moulting will

lead to ruin (8)

22. Usual start to a fine piece

of correspond­ence (7,6)


1. The student of this subject will be an expert in time (8) 2. Chosen to be harvested (6) 3. Young people aren't in marriage difficulti­es (4) 4. Made a score with untroubled mind (8) 5. Feel the cold? Winter in France near the south! (6) 6 & 21Dn. The ability to choose to release the legacy (4,4)

11. Rule said to change descriptio­n of what's left (8)

13. Was life's usual order disturbed by these insects? (8)

15. What to do with broken rapier (6)

17 & 18Ac. Certainly not a danger light used in mines (6,4)

19. The first man to make the woman lose her head (4) 21. See 6 Down

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