Bray People



With tensions still running high and James having ground to make up with both Adam and Moira, he is pleased to have heard about a good deal he can secure on a silage trailer. Moira tells him to go for it and to get £10,000 from the bank. On returning with the cash, James pulls up near the garage where Cain and Moira had been chatting. Suddenly a car Ross is working underneath gives way and Ross screams. They all rush over to him, leaving the money temporaril­y unattended. All are flustered, though Ross seems okay.

However, panic soon reignites when James realises that the money has been taken. How will Moira react

Also today, Pete is bewildered by Debbie's bad mood and attempts to find out what is behind it.

 ??  ?? Pete is bewildered by Debbie's bad mood and attempts to find out what is behind it.
Pete is bewildered by Debbie's bad mood and attempts to find out what is behind it.

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