Bray People

Paul gets support from Australia


IT’S NOT unusual for election candidates to seek support for their campaign from some high profile figures, usually with the same political affiliatio­ns.

But Labour’s Paul O’Brien has set his sights further afield as an Australian Senator has voiced her support for his candidacy in the Wicklow electorate area.

Senator Ursula Stephens is backing Paul all the way. However, the Australian Labor Party member has good reason for paying such close attention to the Wicklow polls. She is a Wicklow native and also just happens to be a cousin of Paul.

She is calling on Wicklow locals to give Paul a number one vote to ‘ help shake up’ local Government.

According to Senator Stephens, ‘ In Ireland, where the economy has turned around and people are looking forward with optimism, we need energetic, young people to take up the cause, and represent our views at all levels of government. That’s why I am so proud of my Irish cousin, Paul O’Brien, and his colleagues as they strive to create a new future for Ireland. ‘As one Wicklow girl to another local lad, I’m personally endorsing my cousin Paul O’Brien – a hard working local man aspiring to be a good councillor on behalf of the people of East Wicklow. From across the ocean and across the world, I am wishing him and his campaign great success in the coming local elections. ‘Vote Paul O’Brien Number 1.’

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