Bray People


- by Carlos O’Connor


May 22 – June 21

A very sharp mind sees quick progress this week, Gemini. Something of a spark of genius comes your way with the Full Moon midweek. Whatever you are doing, however, be sure to take care of your health. It is a good time to get any checkups and adjust your diet where necessary. A frantic social life may revolve around a new romantic attachment.


September 24 – October 23

Plotting and planning this week revolves around travel and romance. Combining the two can be especially exciting. Those who have a partner become closer to them. Those who still seek love and commitment are highly tuned to find it. The Full Moon midweek lights up your financial and health sector. Take care of both in a sober and careful manner. They are both the backbone of your future.


January 21 - February 19

This is a lovely week for both romance and communicat­ions. You have both charm and the right words in your favour. Why not ask for something that you really want on an emotional level? Who knows, you may actually get it! Bring all of your confidence out and use talents liberally. Giving yourself time to think can throw up many answers.


June 22 – July 23

Continuing to look within yourself for answers works well. This is especially true at the time of the Full Moon midweek. Be sure that you want what you are asking for. This same moon highlights any serious matters in your life. Finances and health may be linked. Even so, if you need to spend on any checkups, don’t skimp. What is more important than good health, Cancer?


October 24 – November 22

There is a good news Full Moon midweek that can change your perspectiv­e. Perhaps a proposal or someone new in the family brings unexpected joy. Both finances and your health need special attention. Don’t delay on these. Serious matters apart, however, there is a spontaneit­y about this time that is full of possibilit­y and happiness. When it comes to family matters it is good to just ‘go with the flow.’


February 20 – March 20

Activity on the home front speeds up this week. Socialisin­g seems to take everything over as you aim to please friends and family. Finances should pick up around the time of the midweek Full Moon and will have a rippling effect on your plans. Some which have been put on hold can now go forward. Take advice and let friends help with any concerns.


July 24 – August 23

The creative period for you continues, Leo. Keep pursuing ambitions of an artistic kind. Music and words fill your leisure time. Romance and satisfacti­on follow hard on the heels of relaxation. Perhaps you are planning a holiday with a loved one? As for the midweek Full Moon, this highlights some progressiv­e but serious home issues. Use your imaginatio­n when tackling finances.


November 23 – December 21

You are at your charming best this week, Sagittariu­s! An element of the spontaneou­s and experiment­al flows through the days. When your imaginatio­n takes a front seat everyone around you can expect to be entertaine­d! Throw your passions into both work and romance, creating sunshine wherever you go. Romance is so strong this week that it can touch everything in your life.


March 21 – April 20

Carrying on the romantic feel of this month, Aries, there is love in the air! Make the most of this week to pamper and show your appreciati­on of those around you. The Full Moon midweek highlights any joint finances. These may need some attention now. Excitement around the planning of a holiday or important family event adds an extra dimension to the everyday.


August 24 – September 23

This is a week of travel plans and work ambitions. Get ahead with both by putting your ideas ahead of others. Don’t hold back on speaking out and giving the power of words to your thoughts. Although this week may see you being a little more emotionall­y vulnerable, there is no substitute for listening to your heart. You cannot deny how you feel. That is the road to frustratio­n.


December 20 - January 21

Having a certain amount of restlessne­ss about you this week, decide where to use the energy. If it’s properly channelled, great progress can be made both on a personal and a work level. Even so, stay in charge of your home and health situation. Deal promptly with any concerns in either area. Pay special attention around the time of the Full Moon midweek.

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