Bray People

Diabetes is becoming more prevalent


WORLDWIDE, the number of people suffering with type II diabetes is on the rise and, although it develops mainly in people over 40 years of age, it is becoming more prevalent in children and young adults.


Diabetes mellitus occurs when the level of glucose in the blood becomes higher than normal. There are two main types of diabetes - type I and type II.

Type II diabetes tends to develop over weeks or months. It occurs as:

* Not enough insulin is made for the body's needs, or

* The cells in the body do not use insulin properly. This is called insulin resistance as the cells in your body become resistant to normal levels of insulin, or * A combinatio­n of both factors may apply. In type I diabetes, the pancreas stops making insulin and symptoms develop quickly over days or weeks as the insulin levels in the blood dips. Type I diabetes usually develops in children and young adults and is treated with insulin injections and dietary adjustment­s.


Risk factors for type II diabetes include: * Having a family member with type II diabetes. * Being overweight. * Having a waist circumfere­nce of more than 80cm in women or more than 94cm in men.

* Having impaired glucose tolerance. This is when glucose levels are higher than normal but not high enough to have diabetes.

* Having impaired glucose tolerance when pregnant.


Common symptoms include: * Being thirsty often. * Passing large amounts of urine. * Tiredness. * Weight loss. * Some people also develop blurred vision,


and frequent infections such as thrush.

A simple urinary test may detect glucose in the urine. To confirm the diagnosis, a fasting blood glucose test is required.

If blood glucose levels are higher than normal over a long period of time, they can gradually damage your blood vessels. This can cause the following problems:

* Atheroma formation, which causes narrowing of the arteries, leading to angina, heart attacks, stroke and poor circulatio­n. * Kidney damage. * Eye problems. * Nerve damage. * Foot problems. * Impotence. The likelihood of developing complicati­ons is reduced if other risk factors, such as high blood pressure, are dealt with.

“Diabetes mellitus occurs when the level of glucose in the blood becomes higher than normal.”


* To keep blood glucose levels as near to normal as possible.

* To reduce the risk of developing complicati­ons.

* To reduce any associated risk factors in order to lower the overall risk of developing complicati­ons.

* To detect complicati­ons as soon as possible.


The blood test used to monitor blood glucose levels is called the HbA1c test. It should be performed every 3-6 months and gives a picture of a person’s blood glucose control over the preceding few weeks.


* Eating a healthy diet that is low in fat, salt and sugar with a high intake of fibre and plenty of fruit and vegetables is important.

* Weight loss if overweight is of paramount importance as is regular physical activity.

Medication­s may be used in conjunctio­n with the above. They work by reducing blood glucose levels and different types of medication­s suit different individual­s. It is common practice for a combinatio­n of medication­s to be required.

Informatio­n can be obtained from the Diabetes Federation website;

 ??  ?? The number of people suffering with type II diabetes is on the rise
The number of people suffering with type II diabetes is on the rise
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