Bray People

Life is a marathon not a sprint - enjoy it


WE are lucky we live in an age where we have access to so much knowledge and wisdom about happiness, health and longevity. Throughout the ages different solutions have been sought. Alchemists tried to formulate ‘ the elixir of life’, also connected with the philosophe­r’s stone, a mythical potion that supposedly gives eternal life and or youth to those who drink it. It was also believed to cure disease and is the subject of so many stories, quests, books and movies throughout the centuries.

While at times we can be confused by so much informatio­n, the evidence for long-term-health and happiness available today is clear and inspiring. So many centenaria­ns are sharing their secrets and joie de vivre in books, on facebook and many studies analyze their lifestyle and attitudes.

How do they do it? So many who survived almost unimaginab­le hardship in the wars of the 20th century came through things better and not bitter and happy and healthy.

Lifestyle disease and stress are the epidemics of our time. If we want to live long and healthy lives, we must do our best to live a life that minimizes our suceptabil­ity to both.

Today on average, we are living 6 years longer than we did in 1990 (the Lancet). But that does not necessaril­y mean we are healthier for longer.

The habits of the people living in bluezones (documented in a great book ‘Bluezones’), five places in the world where there are maximum number of people living long and healthy lives give great insights into living well mind, body and spirit.

They move naturally. Exercise is part of their lifestyle through gardening, housework, walking to the shops or to work and regular yoga or tai chi etc. They eat less meat and processed food. They eat until 80 percent full. Interestin­gly many of them drink alcohol but always in moderation and regularly–one a day taken with food and socially.

They have a sense of purpose. Studies show that those with clear goals in life live longer and are mentally sharper than those that don’t. While they have a purpose they also have an ability to shift gears and enjoy the wonders all around us – a beautiful sunset, nature, a smile, and good-times with family and friends. A life message I love from a centenaria­n: “Life is short, don’t run so fast you miss it”.

Those that paid regular attention to their spiritual side through prayer, reflection, reading, meditation and or attending religious services had lower rates of heart disease, depression, stress, and suicide and their immune systems work better. They also shared a sense of we-ness in the family and in their communitie­s through participat­ing in community groups and or networks that promote and share positive values.

Most of the recommenda­tions related to consistent positive habits and balance in work, food, rest, enjoyment and social connection­s.

Interestin­gly, while women live longer than men on average the world over, a Lancet study suggests the gender gap may be more to do with lifestyle factors and not biology as globally men smoke and drink more than women and take more risks.

The evidence of the habits, attitudes and lifestyles that promote health and longevity are there for all to explore. There are always exceptions to statistics but we can learn from them. We can choose to develop better life-serving habits. If you want to make changes, do things gradually and consistent­ly and integrate healthier practices serving your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social wellbeing. Build strong relationsh­ips. And do more of what works best for you.

Life is a marathon not a sprint. Enjoy LAST week I spoke about looking after your health in your senior years. This week I will talk about some foods that would be good to include in your diet to optimise your health.

I am aware that some of you live alone, and are not interested in cooking meals every day. But, it is important that you continue to eat regularly. If you don’t you may notice that you actually don’t feel hungry at all, or you feel nauseous when you do eat. You can create a vicious cycle quite quickly and it’s easy to get into the habit of not cooking, especially when it’s only for one.

Porridge is a fantastic breakfast. You can add things to it to make it richer in nutrition. Flax can help with constipati­on and provide essential omega 3 oils. Or add Lecithin granules, these support brain health, and aid cholestero­l reduction. Fruit will add Vitamin C.

For dinner cook up a large pot of stew, or a casserole. These can be stored so that you don’t have to cook every day.

Vegetables are extremely important as they provide vital nutrients including: potassium, magnesium, fibre, and folic acid, Vitamins A, E and C. Aim to include a wide variety of them in your diet, especially green leafy ones. Soup is a brilliant way to do this.

A tablespoon of

Apple Cider Vinegar with the mother can support digestion, ease aches and pains, help to reduce blood pressure, and support immunity.

Eggs are very versatile, as you can have them at any time of the day. They contain choline which is an essential nutrient that aids brain function and support memory.

Protein is important for muscles and skin. Aim to include meat, fish, eggs, nuts, beans and pulses, natural yoghurt, and cheese.

Water is essential, try to drink plenty to keep hydrated, warm water is better for you than cold.

And if you were to consider one vitamin it would be Vitamin D. It’s beneficial for the immune system, mood, and bone health and most people are deficient in it. We definitely don’t get enough sun!

A healthy diet, lifestyle and positive healthy attitude can help keep you well. So don’t give up on food it’s the staff of life.

Call into your local health store for some more tips on how to keep healthy.

 ??  ?? Evidence for long-term-health and happiness available today is clear and inspiring
Evidence for long-term-health and happiness available today is clear and inspiring
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