Bray People

Nintendo reclaim the game design crown


AT first glance, Super Mario Odyssey looks like an obvious successor to the sandbox Mario games of the past, but further inspection reveals that it is so much more. If the critically acclaimed Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild marked Nintendo’s return to form, then Super Mario Odyssey is Nintendo’s resounding claim as the leading expert in game design today. While Super Mario Odyssey pays tribute to previous installmen­ts in the series, mostly through the recurring characters, music and game mechanics, the overarchin­g theme of innovation throughout the game is what sets it leagues apart from any other Mario title.

One of the most endearing mechanics featured in Super Mario Odyssey is the ability to transition from the 3D world to classic-style 2D segments that showcases creativity and flair on a scale far greater than even the most ambitious maps in Super Mario Maker. Odyssey’s biggest addition to Mario’s constantly-in-flux repertoire is the new possession power. In keeping with Nintendo’s near-nonsensica­l and surrealist take on storyline, the possession power is embodied by Mario’s latest sidekick - Cappy. Cappy just so happens to be Mario’s hat, a character you can physically interact with through augmented platformin­g, using as a weapon or tossing at other characters to assume control of them. Most of the possession­s are too good to spill the beans on in this short review, but suffice the say that the variety of abilities and clever combinatio­ns that can be achieved through the new possession mechanic are clever enough to put a smile on your face every time.

Perhaps the most surprising turn that Odyssey takes is the inclusion of New Donk City, the urban-themed Mario Kingdom. The urban obstacles are some of the best platformin­g the game has to offer and the beautifull­y achieved contrast between the slick city and Mario’s resplendan­t cartoonish-ness are a sight to behold.

While the ability to play on after completing storylines is somewhat of a given in today’s gaming world, what is not a given is the sheer amount of content Odyssey offers after completion. New characters, abilities and even worlds are all offered after the culminatio­n of the 15-hour main plot, catapultin­g this Super Mario game into the realms of serious value-for-money. Super Mario Odyssey is not without its minor faults, but these blemishes are so inconseque­ntial when viewed in the context of the game at large. Nintendo have knocked it out of the park in 2017 yet again.

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