Bray People


- by Carlos O’Connor

Taurus April 21 – May 21

Backroom chats bring the best results when your preferred system of barging straight in may have already been tried. Any rebuff shouldn’t be taken personally. There are many irritated people around at the moment and attempts at humour could make matters worse. Instead look on the bright side, but be realistic. Others should look towards the future. Your Luck: Getting stuck in the present could blindside you to the future – and those around you.

Virgo August 24 – September 23

Take advantage of any chances to increase your cash flow. This can also mean cutting back on spending. Success in this or a windfall are likely. Just don’t let anyone talk you into parting with that hard-earned money! Hairbraine­d ideas are all around you at the moment and the enthusiasm of others can be intoxicati­ng. A holiday can bring you clarity of mind. Your Luck: Get away for a few hours or a few weeks when you can. Clear out those winter cobwebs!

Capricorn December 22 – January 20

Some kind of opportunit­y or promotion is likely this month but could take you by surprise. Why? Well, you are far too modest to blow your own trumpet. Maybe someone else has been doing it for you. Are thank yous in order? Do you realise how much you are liked? Take the chance this weekend to thank those working behind the scenes to push you forward. Your Luck: It is not clear what you want until you get it. Well, you do love a surprise!

Gemini May 22 – June 21

Being able to see further ahead is a gift. Add to that your knack of talking yourself into anything and you begin to believe. The question is, what do you believe in that will bring you nearer your goal? In a week full of illusions and confusions it is hard to tell. Think back five years and ask the question again: ‘What did I want in the future?’ Is it maybe time to reset your way forward? Your Luck: Chats you have midweek are pretty eyeopening and clear up a longstandi­ng mystery.

Libra September 24 – October 23

Sometimes people demand so much of your time and thoughts that it becomes stifling. You love to help and bring happiness to others. Even so, building up a little happiness for yourself has to come top of your current list. Just reach out to someone who may be feeling a bit neglected of late. Will you plan to see them for some quality time soon? You could both do with relaxation! Your Luck: Time and money may be short but there are far more important things to grasp.

Aquarius January 21 – February 19

Loving stability is one of your more attractive characteri­stics. It pleases both business and loving partners. This week, though, there may be change that you don’t like and may even resist. Although you would like something new and exciting to happen you don’t want to lose what you have. No need for that if you are willing to be flexible. Now listen carefully! Your Luck: There may be a heavy door stopping those around you from moving ahead. However, you have the key!

Cancer June 22 – July 22

Workmates can be pretty helpful and even add to your social life. With confidence high, why not ask for what you need? Any thoughts of taking extra training or a course to improve your knowledge seem right on cue. When showing enthusiasm, watch others being carried along with you. Someone close gives a new way of looking at life that somehow had passed you by. Your Luck: Combining home and work life brings a new understand­ing of workmates.

Scorpio October 24 – November 22

Much as you love to be there for others, it can become a bit too much. Do something for yourself this week. Whatever makes you feel relaxed and fulfilled has to be good. Recharging those emotional batteries brings benefits for everyone in your world. It is all right to look for peace and quiet once in a while. Indeed, why not make it a more regular thing? Your Luck: A hop, skip and a jump from where you are is where you want to be. So what is holding you back?

Pisces February 20 – March 20

Teamwork and a bit of flexibilit­y is the way forward this week and for the rest of the month. Communicat­ions are good and can be built on. Think carefully what you want to say and don’t be distracted. Your vision is clearer than others’ and so you need to guide them. Avoid ruffling any feathers by being too noisy about an idea. Get agreement first on a one-toone basis. Your Luck: Spread the love, spread the charm and certainly spread the humour!

Leo July 23 – August 23

After giving much thought to moving a relationsh­ip to the next level, this week could see others more receptive to permanent solutions. Security is high on your agenda and it shows. Don’t forget, though, that in all of this activity romance should play a part. Someone needs to be coaxed around to your opinions and not just taken for granted. Feeling valued is important. Your Luck: Setting aside the weekend for love and relaxation is not just desirable, it is essential.

Sagittariu­s November 23 – December 21

Feeling in the doldrums? Standing there thinking about the future without moving? There may be no wind in your sails at the moment but you can be ready for when there is! Tackle any small matters that need your attention, however petty. You don’t want them holding you back when the order to ‘hoist the main sail’ is heard. Your Luck: The future is bright but it may not be exactly what you are seeing right now. Optimism anyone?

Aries March 21 – April 20

A sudden burst of energy connects you to the here and now. Yes, Aries, you are being urged to live in the moment and make the most of each day. Part of this feeling of urgency is the will to help someone close and help them now! Today you wonder at your selflessne­ss but at the weekend you will wonder at the difference it has made. Enthusiasm really seems to be your friend. Your Luck: This is a week in which to have faith in your own talents and abilities. Be creative.

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