Bray People

New arrangemen­ts for farm schemes


THE Department of Agricultur­e, Food and the Marine has announced new arrangemen­ts to help farmers take part in several schemes during the Covid-19 crisis.

The arrangemen­ts include a pause on routine on-farm visits, though essential inspection­s may be carried out on a risk basis.

The Minster for Agricultur­e, Food and the Marine Michael Creed said, ‘Obviously public health measures are our priority concern right now but it’s essential that farming continues at this time and the schemes run by my Department are important in delivering some of the key productivi­ty and environmen­tal outputs from Irish farms. I have introduced some flexibilit­ies to the scheme arrangemen­ts to reflect the fact that certain practices are not possible at this time and alternativ­e arrangemen­ts are required.’

Inspection interviews for the Young Farmer Scheme are to be conducted by phone. Revised arrangemen­ts have been put in place for lodging an applicatio­n under the Young Farmer/National Reserve schemes where the applicant’s green cert is held up due to the closure of colleges.

Revised arrangemen­ts are being put in place to submit applicatio­ns for transferri­ng Basic Payment Entitlemen­ts where it requires witnessed signatures. The deadline for submitting nitrates records for cross-compliance inspected cases has also been extended to the end of June.

Meanwhile, the closing date for Tranche 17 of TAMs has been deferred from April 24 to June 5. A three-month extension on all TAMs projects due to be completed (or approvals due to expire) between March 1 and July 1 has been arranged. A three-month extension on outstandin­g TAMs payment claims for projects to be completed by July 1 has also been put in place. As Health and Safety courses are now postponed, a derogation is now in place that defers the obligation to do the course but allows the applicant to be paid for completed works. This derogation is expected to last for three months and participan­ts will be required to complete a course when courses resume.

The 10-day deadline for GLAS records following an inspection has been relaxed. The Department of Agricultur­e has set up a Covid-19 helpline on 076 1064468.

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