Bray People

Farmers market


A new venture is about to launch in our community. The Kilmacanog­ue Artisan/Farmers market is starting up on Friday, July 10. It will take place between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. in Plucks car park every Friday. There will be a great mix of vendors available from Fish, Bread, cakes, Chutneys, Florists, Vegetables and Honey. It is hoped such an event will lift the local producers who have taken a hammering during this Covid 19 crisis.

Cathy Soraghan is looking after the market and she is still anxiously looking for both meat and cheese suppliers and if interested, or know someone that might be, please contact Cathy directly at 086 8758744.

Some of the proceeds of the market will be going to the homeless which is also fantastic.

The Market will be supervised and you can all be assured they will be observing Covid Health and safety guidelines. There is an abundance of parking and Plucks will be offering a Fish and chips special for lunchtime fun on Fridays. Best of luck to everyone on this exciting new venture.

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