Drogheda Independent


- by Carlos O’Connor

Gemini May 22 – June 21

Mix and match with family and friends, especially at the weekend. Any excuse for a get-together. Maybe it is time to mend bridges and get in touch with long lost folk. Going down memory lane is great fun but don’t fall into any emotional traps. Be sure to let it be known how busy you are until you know what you want to do. Time may be a great healer but it can’t bring back life. Your Luck: Enjoy the difference­s each day brings. Live in this moment to make memories.

Libra September 24 – October 23

Love is important. No. Love is essential. To this end you need to decide if you will accept what you have. Maybe it is best to seek out what you really need. Those who have a good family are blessed. Those who have not, however, can seek to make their own. You have a big heart and much to give. That will be apparent to someone special this week. Your Luck: Looking for perfection can make you weary. Still, don’t accept second best.

Aquarius January 21 – February 19

As you are such a socially expansive person you have many friends. Hold on though, are most of them acquaintan­ces? Pick through and decide who could be a little closer to you if you got to know them better. ‘The more the merrier’ could be your motto. A partner could become jealous of your popularity. Can you include them more or do they need to learn to find their own niche? Your Luck: Do you want to be seen as perfect? You know, perfect people can be very annoying.

Cancer June 22 – July 22

Love lingers and you ask yourself many questions about it. At the beginning and end of relationsh­ips there are many ‘what ifs’. Sometimes the things that we most regret later in life are those things that we did not do rather than those that we did. It is not a time to rush in or out. Take your time. Give love another chance if it feels right for you both. Feel free. Your Luck: This is not so much a turning point as a bend in the road. What is around the corner?

Scorpio October 24 – November 22

Friendship­s this week flourish under a lighter atmosphere. Put behind you any nasty niggles when guests appear. If you smile enough your mood will automatica­lly lift. In any case the wrinkles of laughter are far more pleasing than the wrinkles of misery. Be in the mood to have an open mind and heart. Who knows what you will see? Joy? Your Luck: Aim to chat to a new person each day. By the weekend you will have answered a question.

Pisces February 20 – March 20

If you don’t mind a bit of noise and chaos then this week you’ll be in your element. Fun comes from all directions and, unless you are a hermit, just sit back and enjoy! Nobody is trying to be clever, just jolly. Join in and let your hair down. Sometimes you take life too seriously. When it comes to romance, playing it cool with someone could see them back off. Is that what you want? Your Luck: The more that you interact with others this week, the more comfortabl­e you will feel.

Leo July 23 – August 23

There is quite a bit of nest-building going on around you. Is this making you want to join in? As a lion you like to keep your escape route clear. That is, unless you feel so secure that it is irrelevant. Think how you would feel if someone simply disappeare­d from your life. If you want to keep them near, then let them know. Now, about that nest-building. Can you, should you, resist? Your Luck: Consider doing things that improve your life, don’t do them just for a change.

Sagittariu­s November 23 – December 21

Fine weather, fine friends and fine food. We would like them all. Remember, though, that two out of three is not so very bad! Look upon this time as one of making very personal decisions. Small things make up big smiles. A much younger member of the family makes perfect sense of something that you thought of as complicate­d. Keep visits short and sweet. Your Luck: Creating a space for your thoughts usually means finding somewhere quiet and human-free.

Aries March 21 – April 20

Slipping into a light-hearted and holiday mood is so easy for you! There is the desire and incentive to build on relationsh­ips. Someone who you have not seen for some time is on your mind. Do you know where to find them? Get your thinking cap on. What may have been the wrong time for your friendship may be the right time now. Feed your curiosity and find the answer to some unanswered questions. Your Luck: Being late does not have to mean that you are too late!

Virgo August 24 – September 23

Usually preferring to do things with others (isn’t it much more fun?) this week could see you being a bit of a loner. This could even be from choice so that you are able to get more done. No need to feel guilty. Find somewhere that calms or stimulates you as you wish. Those who forget their feelings and interests can lose themselves. Your Luck: Be yourself in your own time and enjoy finding your soul.

Capricorn December 22 – January 20

An open and shut case of romanticis­m grabs you midweek. What have you done to deserve all of this confusion? You have allowed your mind and imaginatio­n to run free. It is rather like being a child again. Life seems simple, mainly because you just don’t understand it all. Is it really essential to know everything? Can’t you just go with the flow? Don’t ask your conscience. Ask your soul. Your Luck: Thoughts now can lead to a brilliant new way of looking at things.

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