Drogheda Independent


- by Carlos O’Connor

Pisces February 20 – March 20

With a lot on your mind you would prefer to just come out and say how you see it. Temper that with a bit of kindness, though, for best results. Sometimes this week there are moments when you feel alone and a bit lost. Talking to people who will understand your thoughts is good. Chat when and where you like. There are many people who feel the same. Your Luck: In space we are not alone. Also in our hearts. Talking can be a cure for many things.

Aries March 21 – April 20

Energy and incentives are growing fast. In part this is because of a recent discovery affecting your love life. Some days it seems impossible to influence others as you would like. Although some things are slotting into place you wonder if changes need to be made. Hold fire. In a week that demands you concentrat­e on work, others need to appreciate this. If they don’t, then think again. Your Luck: You need to be respected as you respect others. If not, move things on.

Leo July 23 – August 23

Been working too hard? A little light relief is well overdue. Prepare to indulge a whim. Midweek sees a clearer picture of your finances but think carefully before rushing into anything. In this strong growing period, what you see is a golden opportunit­y. The need for courage and forethough­t is there but also the chance to be fully yourself with no more restrictio­ns. Your Luck: A sort of mental freedom can come with sticking up for what you need and believe in.

Sagittariu­s November 23 – December 21

Progress on a plan or negotiatio­n may be slow. However, it does give you a chance to think twice about some aspects. You may as well chill out and relax more. Pushing someone to act is likely to make them more stubborn. Although you don’t expect plans to run perfectly, delays can be galling! Get out socially and keep that important balance. Your Luck: Accept that you need time to be with loved ones. Never underestim­ate the power of a cuddle!

Taurus April 21 – May 21

Concentrat­e on the task in hand, be it at work or home. Staying sharp and ahead is the key to success. Try to see any challenges as a ‘call to arms’ that demand courage and diplomacy in equal measure. Don’t really feel like talking? Fine. Take a step back rather than doing something rash. A few days out of the loop can work unexpected wonders. Your Luck: When feeling confused, try getting more organised on the small things. Keep your days simple. Virgo

August 24 – September 23

Why continue to build up all that energy when you really want to let it go? Getting out and about with friends brings more of a balance. On the whole you need to concentrat­e on good communicat­ions. Inside of you is someone who needs to be in the essence of creation. Draw out your real personalit­y without restrictio­ns or compromise. Your Luck: Trying to please others won’t give you satisfacti­on right now. Please your more creative side.

Capricorn December 22 – January 20

When things get really busy you’re reluctant to take a break. Even so, you need rest as much as anyone else. During those more relaxing times, why not cast your eyes around for that elusive soul mate? You need a clear mind and a willing heart to progress now. Both of these are in your hands. That build-up of confidence? Start using it. Your Luck: Being one step ahead keeps you fully confident and informed.

Gemini May 22 – June 21

Actions may not be possible at the moment but that doesn’t stop you from planning. Indeed, ‘going with the flow’ shows short-term benefits. A certain amount of trivial rubbish seems to be stacking up around you. These are not obligation­s to sort out but weak attempts to slow you down. You can see where they come from but avoid upsetting your peace. Your Luck: Stay balanced by keeping everyday life as simple as possible. See the bright side.

Libra September 24 – October 23

One thing is for sure this week: you will refuse to be tied down in your ambitions. Being free to follow your own path is more important than ever to you. Already it’s clear that as someone is going to be stubborn, you must be prepared to be patient. Such a good nature as yours can be taken unfair advantage of. It’s up to you to not let it happen. Remember saying ‘no’? Your Luck: You love to keep a peaceful world around you. Acknowledg­e what is wrong and step around it.

Aquarius January 21 – February 19

Aim for a good mix of work and play this week. If you keep pushing yourself it could be very tiring and muddling. During a social break make the most of interestin­g contacts. Play to your strengths when it comes to work and make short shrift of any rivals. Clever, as they will probably not realise that you have stepped ahead of them. Smart moves! Your Luck: Avoid going ‘soft’ when it comes to business matters. It could appear as a weakness.

Cancer June 22 – July 22

Surprising revelation­s from someone close seem unreal. Maybe you haven’t been paying attention? Although you need to get a grip on work matters, keep a balance. As you’re feeling more resilient now, problems seem halved. Indeed, this week shows how others are willing to come onside. Be charming and ready to forgive. Your Luck: Giving is better than receiving. You know this but a little more appreciati­on of your efforts would be nice.

Scorpio October 24 – November 22

Although you want to keep on a roll this week, do make time for some fun. Remember that those around you are not necessaril­y workaholic­s. With a buzzing head, full of ideas, you need to find someone who understand­s the possibilit­ies. With such a determinat­ion to get things done, expect glances of admiration! Enjoy the attention that is rightfully yours. Your Luck: When praise comes your way accept it gracefully and don’t make less of it.

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