Drogheda Independent

Boyne Rovers and St Ingbert beer tour!


WE did this story back in 1984 - when the lads from Boyne Rovers headed to Germany for a beer festival tournament in a place called St Ingbert. I’d say the trip is well remembered!

‘Boyne Rovers, delighted with the news that they have qualified for next season’s Leinster Senior Cup on goal difference, head for Germany tomorrow (Thursday) night where they will play two matches in a tournament being staged in connection with a beer festival in St Ingbert.

The invitation to play in the tournament comes as result of contact which Rivers have made with the local soccer club in St. Ingbert, which is near Saarbruick­en on the French Germany border. A party from the Germany club were guests of Rovers in Drogheda over Easter.

The trip by coach and boat is costing each of the party of 32 just over £130, but accommodat­ion will be provided by their hosts ip Germany, a factor which is keeping the cost down.

The majonty of Rovers first team which finished the season so well will be travelling along with three guest players, Noel “Smokey” Kierans from Mosney/CIE Liam Callan from the same club and Sean Donagh from Grove Rangers.

Rovers will play two matches the first on Sunday night and the second on Tuesday night against one of the other top teams from Germany, France or Luxemburg who will be competing.

It is the trip of a lifetime for the Rovers party which will be led by Chairman, Michael McManus, and although the coach and ferry trip will be difficult, the players and officials are looking forward to the experience, confident that they can do well as morale in the club is exceptiona­lly good.’

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