Enniscorthy Guardian


- By Carlos O’Connor


October 24 – November 22

A gentle calm comes over you and brings with it a feeling of being in the right place. To make it also the right time, let your feelings be known to give someone special time to consider. Nothing is instant this week. Even so it isn’t important to rush around. Chill. Don’t feel guilty about backing off from something that has proved negative in your life. Your Luck: Changes that come this week are smooth-running and for the longer term.


February 20 – March 20

Change what you thought you couldn’t this week. Does that sound impossible? Well it isn’t. Just go one step at a time. Be sensitive to relatives who may need time to adjust to your new way of thinking. Now, seeing the ‘bigger picture’ really changes your outlook. Wonder why you didn’t see it before? Maybe the time just wasn’t right for you. Your Luck: Going into winter, a bit of a shake-up can keep those grey skies bright!

Cancer June 22 – July 22

Feeling vulnerable and sensitive? Nothing new in that. Remember that it is something you share with others. In fact, talking about your feelings and getting all of that frustratio­n out can really help, so plan something for the weekend, even something small. Above all be among people. Someone unique could turn up. If you haven’t anything social lined up, then invite someone to your place. Your Luck: The weekend brings a shot of confidence.

Sagittariu­s November 23 – December 21

Whatever you planned for this week, you are likely to change your mind. Feeling great confidence about a scheme or person is great. Just avoid coming on too strong! When subtle approaches are needed your radar is usually right on track. This is a ‘one shot’ moment. With love on the agenda this could well be mixed up with your work schedule. Your Luck: Business first. Even so, promises for the weekend keep the balance.


March 21 – April 20

Confidence-boosting praise should be coming your way this week, and not before time! Just when you were thinking that efforts made earlier had come to nothing, Bingo! There is everything to play for. Take any opportunit­ies and run with them. Whatever you are doing now you could be doing for many years to come. So, if there is something that really needs changing, why not now? Your Luck: Clearly there is more to you than just an ambitious Aries.


July 23 – August 23

Getting a bit tetchy with others? Well, they can be annoying! A very sensitive streak is giving way to anger. Don’t let it. You are in control. Turn your talents to the next thing and avoid looking back. Chill out with something that you enjoy at the weekend. Gradually bring the feeling of love and great communicat­ion back into the everyday. Your Luck: Want love? Then start to give it from the heart.

Capricorn December 22 - January 20

With a surge of confidence comes knowledge that you can do well. Others have confidence in you also. To begin with it may be necessary to put something off to deal with more important matters. That’s OK as long as a loved one is reassured. Clashes over finances may force a change on the home front. With the backing of loved ones, however, it will be short and soon over. Your Luck: Kick negative thoughts out of the door and embrace optimism.

Taurus April 21 – May 21

In a pretty easy-going week there is the chance to relax and meet some new mates. Could these be part of a club or hobby that appeals to you? Instead of going along with the usual thing, why not try something new? Changes at work are likely to be for the good and could even involve romance. Showing your feelings too soon here could be to your disadvanta­ge. Your Luck: Letting your inner child out at the weekend really appeals.


August 24 – September 23

Something comes along to fire your enthusiasm just in time! A slightly low feeling was coming. That is not allowed and you are determined to keep moving forward. Friends and colleagues find that optimistic attitude contagious. This means an easier path to getting what you want. Passions that start now are most likely to be for the longer term so, if there are changes to be made, this is the time! Your Luck: Avoid the chance of looking back and thinking ‘what if!’

Aquarius January 21 - February 19

Too much work really can make you dull and lacklustre. Getting stuck mentally is the thing to be avoided now. Getting out and doing something entirely different (and hopefully with someone different) is a sure-fire cure for the doldrums. Don’t be surprised if you start to feel more adventurou­s. A side-effect, if you like, of the new approach is that it brightens and progresses your working life. Your Luck: A lighter approach can be easier to work with.

Gemini May 22 – June 21

In a somewhat puzzling way you seem to be settling down to getting small matters dealt with. Could it be that you have realised the value of being prepared? At this moment what you are preparing for can be vague, but there is the feeling that something is coming. An interest of others that has never really appealed to you could be the clue. Your Luck: Get out and about to give the best chance for something special to happen.

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