Enniscorthy Guardian



OUR fantastic front-line staff at Wexford General and across the HSE have rightly come in for some wonderful praise in the past couple of weeks as they do their best to stem the spread of Covid-19. While some have taken to social media, others have expressed their respect and admiration for HSE staff in other ways.

One heart-warming gesture saw Amelia (10) and Nate (8) Harrington, the children of author Carmel Harrington from Screen, use their free An Post postcards to send a special message to all of the staff at Wexford General. ‘ Thank you for looking after everybody who has the virus,’ the children’s message read. It was picked up by Dr Sandra Quinn at Wexford General who tweeted: ‘ Thank you Amelia and thank you Nate. Very thoughtful of you both. The team here in Wexford General Hospital are so grateful for your card. It has been put on the wall on the ward for all to see!’

Meanwhile, large road-signs have appeared at the hospital and on approach roads around

the town, thanking our healthcare workers for all their wonderful work. Another beautiful sign erected at the hospital carried the message: ‘ Thank you to all the courageous staff of the HSE during this time of the Covid-19 pandemic. May God protect you. You are truly loved and respected.’

We’ve managed to track down the person behind this sign, Mary Galvin who said she felt compelled to thank our front-line workers for their ongoing hard work.

‘I didn’t want any fuss or any plaudits for doing it,’ Mary said. ‘I came up with the idea myself and I got the sign made up at

Practical Printers. I just wanted to thank those who are working so hard and provide a nice positive message of support for them.’

The staff at Wexford General and other healthcare workers have been truly humbled by the support they’ve received in recent weeks, however, the point was once again stressed that the best way that people can continue to offer their support is by adhering to the guidance of the government and the HSE and staying at home.

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 ??  ?? Signs have been erected at Wexford General Hospital in support of frontline workers and a lovely card received by hospital staff from Amerlia and Nate Harrington.
Signs have been erected at Wexford General Hospital in support of frontline workers and a lovely card received by hospital staff from Amerlia and Nate Harrington.
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