Enniscorthy Guardian

Your hurling skill of the week: blocking



INTRODUCTI­ON TO BLOCKING 1) Child starts on their knees.

2) Parent gently swings hurl (no ball).

3) Emphasise hands together at top of hurl, eyes open and focus on the bas of the hurl.


Ten strikes - can the child get ten blocks with correct technique each time?


MOVING INTO THE BLOCK 1) Parent attempts to strike a tennis ball.

2) The child moves in from four steps away and tries to make the block.

3) Ensure the child is keeping the hurl up, and not slapping down on the ball.


Two adults on the outside, child in the middle, 5m between everyone. One adult shouts ‘block’, then tries to strike the ball. The child must block - how many in a minute?


BLOCKING A MOVING PLAYER 1) One v. one. Players stand twelve steps apart.

2) The person with the ball takes four steps and attempts to strike.

3) The person blocking must make up the ground quickly and time the tackle correctly.

ACTIVITY Four coloured cones in front of striker. Striker calls colour. Player must run to this cone for a block.


MOVING YOUR FEET 1) Parent swings the hurl (no ball).

2) The child must take a slight lunge into the hurl.

3) Emphasise keeping lead leg strong and focus on the bas.

ACTIVITY Parent versus child - ten strikes each, who can get the most blocks?



AND THE RIGHT 1) Parent attempts to strike a sliothar.

2) Child must move in from six steps away.

3) Stand facing the child, and vary the strike from left to right. This will improve the child’s footwork and awareness.


The child stands with back turned to parent. Parent calls ‘turn’, child must quickly turn and react to block whether the strike is on the left or right.


THE ONE-HANDED BLOCK 1) Set out three sliothars in a row (10m apart).

2) The players run side by side. The striker picks the ball on the move and tries to strike.

3) The tackler attempts to block with a one-handed block.

ACTIVITY One v. one match. Each player has a goal 10m apart. A goal is worth one point. A block is worth two points.

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