Gorey Guardian

Reach your ideal weight: practice moderation and be more mindful


SEPTEMBER is a time when we think about losing weight and getting active. There are many ways to go about losing weight .But I think that if we have everything – and I mean everything – in moderation and stop worrying about dieting, we can achieve our ideal weight. After all there is no perfect one-diet-fits-all. Too much of anything can be a bad thing! So practise moderation in all that you eat.

There are many fad diets and when you stop them it’s always the same; you always put back on the weight. So why not make lifestyle changes instead?

Instead of suddenly reducing your calorie intake why not think about the quality and the quantity of food that you eat. Don’t let eating become only about the number of calories you eat. An apple and a few nuts are far healthier than a sugar loaded cereal bar!

It’s your body. You decide what fuel to put into it. Are you going to put top quality fuel in or are you going to go for bad quality inefficien­t fuel that will leave you chugging along instead of performing on all cylinders. It’s your choice. Only you can make the change. Choose nutrient – rich fresh food that you have prepared yourself. If it’s in a packet it’s probably loaded with sugar and empty calories. Empty calories are calories that will cause weight gain but will provide the body with very little nutrients.

If you eat quickly, slow down and chew your food well. Otherwise the food goes in at one end and out at the other, with very little nutrients actually getting absorbed by the body.

The other problem is that we don’t always value what we are eating. How many of us eat while reading the paper, watching the TV or planning the day’s events? When we do this we are certainly not noticing what we are eating. There is the risk of overeating when we eat like this. I call this mindless eating. We need to change our habits and become mindful of our food. A small change is to include a glass of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar before each meal to help you achieve your goal by supporting digestion and breaking down fats.

If you fuel your body the natural way then you will achieve your ideal weight.

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