Gorey Guardian


- by Carlos O’Connor

Capricorn December 22 – January 20

Although you may start this week with low energy you will soon be dragged out of the doldrums! A strong wind brings in a favourite person. How is it that they can always get you moving? Don’t stress. Living in the present is so much easier than worrying about the past or future. At some time you are forced to have fun, so why not just give in now? Your Luck: Trying to be patient is not easy when there is so much to do. Give a little slack to the dawdler.

Aquarius January 21 – February 19

Thrill-seeking you comes up with a bit of an outrageous thought this week. Is it practical? No. Is it fun? Definitely! You cannot be practical all of the time or it would kill your imaginatio­n. Run this by a couple of friends and see their reaction. Good for a laugh? As your humour is one of your great assets, enjoy! Plan well ahead for a trip in June but do remain flexible. Your Luck: Looking too far away for something? Could it be right under your nose?

Pisces February 20 – March 20

Relax a little and start to enjoy the possibilit­ies of the festive season. Whatever you believe, there is certainly a buzz in the air. Feel it? Too busy to meet up with old mates? Make the time my friend. Changes coming next year may rule out the possibilit­y. Will you be too busy counting your money? Hopefully you will be, in an ideal world, counting your blessings! Your Luck: Passing comments have a clue to how someone is thinking about you. Listen carefully.

Aries March 21 – April 20

In a head-spinning week so much is going on around you that it can be confusing. Take one thing at a time. A plan for the festive season is moving very slowly. Is this because it’s hard to pin others down? Give them a firm day when they have to decide or things will go ahead without them. The chance to be with people of all ages can really appeal to you. Your Luck: Decide to be yourself at the weekend. ‘Up front and honest’ can blow a lot of cobwebs away.

Taurus April 21 – May 21

It’s likely that a fair bit of flirting will be going on this week. This could come from anywhere as people get in a festive mood. Have your eye on someone in particular? Get that mistletoe in position! Someone who is normally helpful seems to be behaving more like a thorn in your side? Look for the reason before reacting. They may really need your help. Your Luck: Some business to do before the holiday needs dealing with as soon as possible. Serious fun is ahead.

Gemini May 22 – June 21

Changes in those around you (even if only temporary) bring a buzz to your everyday. Well, you shouldn’t be sitting around wondering ‘What’s next?’ Cash may be thin on the ground as arrangemen­ts are made for a later trip, so plan carefully. Lucky enough to have young children in the family? Borrowing one for a trip to Santa really lightens the mood. Your Luck: An optimistic attitude is a sure winner, especially by those who have had a rough time recently.

Cancer June 22 – July 22

Someone exciting can be added to your guest list. Of course, you need the confidence to invite them! Believe that anything is possible socially and you won’t go far wrong. That thing sadly lacking recently in your life could be just around the corner. The thing is, you have to be out and about in order to spot it. Nothing like this ever happens to you? Maybe now? Your Luck: Be flexible with festive arrangemen­ts. A new friend could make you change your mind.

Leo July 23 – August 23

Your jolly and imaginativ­e attitude makes others want to join in. Keep plans simple so you can enjoy yourself! Your need to make others happy will mean your talents as an entertaine­r will be in demand. Looking at someone who is sad reminds you that laughter is the best medicine. Are you about to bring some about? Roar the festive joy! Your Luck: Be good to yourself as well as others. Bring forward any check-ups or diet changes if need be.

Virgo August 24 – September 23

With fun in mind you may not want to deal with any new responsibi­lities. Even so, let your feelings be known before others decide for you! Silence can sometimes be mistaken for agreement. A long chat can bring more stability to an otherwise changeable situation. Now, let’s get on with the fun aspect, shall we? Be unpredicta­ble when dealing with activities. Your Luck: A change of heart means a change of plans. Keep everything around you flexible.

Libra September 24 – October 23

When buying a present this week you may have a brainwave. The idea for making some extra money or even a new venture sparks ambition. Not usually an over-ambitious person (although you do like the better things in life), this could be the sign of inspiratio­n. Being honest with others sets your future free. Don’t be afraid to dream. Your Luck: Stay lively by not being affected by negative people. Even someone who thinks they know you can be wrong.

Scorpio October 24 – November 22

Meetings with both younger and older people spark ideas for the festivitie­s. Of course, you may have to be the instigator of everything fun! Get the inspiratio­n you need from your partner or family. There are plenty who would enjoy helping. Look after your cash and health leading up to the new year. Too much excitement could wear you out! Your Luck: Showing your caring side endears you to someone you admire. Ignore negative comments.

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