Gorey Guardian

WE MISS YOU! Young readers send


“My name is Sadhbh Byrne and I’m 5 months old. I really miss my Nanny and Grandad Byrne and my Granny and Grandad Mullane. This week I’m starting on big people food and I can’t wait to try chocolate for the first time when I visit you in person! Lots of love, Sadhbh. Xx”

I miss you nana, grandad, uncle JJ and uncle Ryan. I miss you nana Susan and grandad Bob can’t wait to see you when this is all over lots of love Reece.

Liam Clue, age 4 in Sydney Australia is really missing his beloved nana and grandad, aka Margaret & Trevor Campbell in New Ross.

Cathy, Bobby and Elle Kent would like to send lots of love to Nanny Kangy, Nanny Eileen, Dada and Granda Michael. Cant wait to see you all soon. Love You.

Our Grandmas name is: Thelma Rath, North Parade Gorey. We miss our Grandma very much. We live in Nice, France and were supposed to come home for our cousin Zach’s holy communion but it was cancelled because of the virus. We miss Grandma sooooo much and are sad it will be another few months before we see her. Love you Grandma, from Hannah, Erica, and Rosa.

Hi grandad, we miss you very much, we can’t wait to see you soon, love from Sean, Niamh, Ciaran and Daire xx

We miss you Grandad John and Granny Catherine (Price) we cant wait to see you and get loads of hugs and pancakes! From all your grandkids xx

Dear grandad Jimmy and nanny Margaret, we miss you both so so much. We can’t wait to give yous lots of cuddles and for you both to be able to cuddle our new baby sister Bonnie. Don’t worry we will give her lots of cuddles for you until we can all see each other again. We love you so much and can’t wait to go exploring in the woods. Lots of love, your great-grandsons Danny and Kalen Byrne xx

We miss you nanny and grandad. Love you. Can’t wait to hug you. Sasha and Bella x

Ben 9, Adam 6 and TJ 3 are missing their Nanny Cleere in Wexford and their Nanny and Grandad Nolan in Ferns so much . We cannot wait to be able to visit ye and cuddle ye again. We are 3 very good boys for Mammy and Daddy. We want ye to stay safe so that we can spend lots of time together when this is all over, lots of love always,Ben, Adam and Tj Cleere.

To our Granny Brigid Walsh...we miss your hugs your bacon and cabbage and our little dance around the kitchen before we go back to Cork. Love Aoife, Emma, Niamh and David xxxxx

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