Irish Daily Mail - YOU



I want to make my girlfriend orgasmic again. I am 26, she is 31 and we have known each other as best friends for five years. I knew when I first met her that I wanted to date her, but at the time she said she wasn’t ready. Then, two years ago, I asked her again and she agreed to be my girlfriend. A year after that she agreed to have penetrativ­e sex, and for the first two months she had orgasms about 50 per cent of the time. But now, although she gets close to having an orgasm, it does not happen – no matter how hard I try. She was a virgin until she went out with me. I have never had any trouble with my previous girlfriend­s. Twenty-nine was quite late for your girlfriend to lose her virginity. Maybe she had a very strict upbringing and was told it was wrong to have sex before marriage. So, as much as she wants to enjoy making love and orgasm, it’s difficult for her to let go. Many women find it difficult to orgasm through penetratio­n alone. If this is the case, then choose positions where, as well as penetratio­n, you can also caress her clitoris. Oral sex could help but, again, she may have been told that this is wrong, so you will need to work gently on helping her overcome her reluctance. Talk to her about all of this and see whether, with your love and understand­ing, she can learn to let go of her inhibition­s and be a little more adventurou­s. If she is able to bring herself to orgasm, she could perhaps show you how to do this while you are having sex. You could try sex toys occasional­ly. Hopefully, by talking about how to give each other pleasure and helping her to understand the root of her inhibition­s, she will become orgasmic again. One other thing to consider: it’s probably unlikely, but is there any possibilit­y that she may be gay and trying to deny this to herself?

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