Irish Daily Mail - YOU


- by Sally Brompton

TAURUS 21 APRIL-21 MAY If you find it hard to escape your fears, then why not adopt a different approach and consciousl­y go looking for what fills you with dread? As Mercury, planet of the mind, turns direct in the most vulnerable area of your chart, you may be surprised to find that not only was there nothing to be scared of, but what you’ve been trying to avoid is actually exciting. CALL 1560 475 013*

GEMINIyou are. 22 Think MAY-21 only JUNE positiveAs you thoughtsth­ink, so this week and you will dramatical­ly raise the chances of things running smoothly and to plan. Even a recurring financial niggle can be resolved if you are prepared to listen to the advice of a wiser colleague. CALL 1560 475 014*

CANCER dependsare to sacrifice2­2 upon JUNE-23 you, your JULY nor ambitionsN­o how matter willingto ensurewho you another’s happiness, there are certain things you must do for yourself this week. An opportunit­y to improve your status must be seized immediatel­y – or someone else will take it. CALL 1560 475 015*

LEO bruised24 JULY-23or battered,AUG Your but ego romanticma­y be Venus in sympatheti­c Aries will brighten up your days and make the nights worth waiting for. Don’t worry too much about keeping on top of your daily routine – there will be plenty of time to catch up later in the month. CALL 1560 475 016*

VIRGO 24 AUG-23 SEPT There may have been times recently when you felt like a stranger in your home, so indifferen­t were loved ones to your plight. Now that you can see why they found it hard to communicat­e, hopefully you did not say or do anything that could make reconcilia­tion difficult. CALL 1560 475 017*

LIBRA 24 SEPT-23 OCT You’ll feel relaxed and in tune with those around you this week as Venus in your opposite sign removes the tension that’s been such a feature in your emotional life. Even routine tasks will seem less tedious now you know you’re not being asked to do more than your share. CALL 1560 475 018*

SCORPIO 24 OCT-22 NOV No matter who you may have fallen out with, now that Venus is moving in your favour you can easily patch things up. Sometimes a relationsh­ip can actually benefit from an argument or dispute – especially if it clears the air of accusation­s that neither of you believe are true. CALL 1560 475 019*


Too many people expect life to come to them, as if they are somehow special. You, on the other hand, recognise that success is a privilege that has to be earned. Venus urges you to do what you can with what you’ve got to attract exactly what you need – no more or less. CALL 1560 475 020*


Your enviable powers of self-discipline will be tested this week and you are likely to pass with flying colours. But if you think that’s the end of the matter, you are in for a surprise. The next test you face will be of an altogether more subtle – and thus more dangerous – nature. CALL 1560 475 021*


For the past three weeks, mind planet Mercury has been moving backwards through your chart – and you would not be human if you didn’t feel frustrated or confused. Now the fog should begin to clear to reveal a sunnier, more exciting picture than you expected. CALL 1560 475 010*


This may be a difficult week for you, but you can make it easier by refusing to be too hard on yourself. What’s done is done and you can’t turn back the clock. Remember that the changes you are going through are meant to make you fitter, faster and more effective than before. CALL 1560 475 011*


Because Aries is a competitiv­e sign, you tend to see confrontat­ions – be they profession­al or personal – in terms of winning or losing. But it doesn’t have to be that way. On the contrary, if you now make the effort to join forces with a former rival, you will both benefit. CALL 1560 475 012*

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