Irish Daily Mail - YOU

HOROSCOPES by Sally Brompton

- By Sally Brompton


Your ruler Mercury, planet of ideas, linked to Pluto, planet of obsession, means partners and loved ones will have a lot on their minds this week, so you may have to entertain yourself. This is, in fact, the ideal time to go over plans of a somewhat secretive nature. At least no one will be looking over your shoulder. CALL 1560 475 014* CANCER 22 JUNE-23 JULY

Respect the rights of others this week and you’ll get a lot done – not least because those who share your values and ideals are willing to work with you instead of against you. Don’t keep your good ideas to yourself – if they’re as good as you believe, they deserve to be shared. CALL 1560 475 015* LEO 24 JULY-23 AUG

You may disagree with the actions of a partner or friend, but the more you complain the more likely they are to continue. If that sounds like someone you know, remember that if you demand freedom for yourself you cannot deny it to others. You know they will win in the end. CALL 1560 475 016* VIRGO 24 AUG-23 SEPT

This is an important week for you, a week when you must keep your thoughts positive and pure – well, positive anyway. Great changes are taking place around you, but it’s up to you whether you choose to work with them or fight against them, which is really no choice at all. CALL 1560 475 017* LIBRA 24 SEPT-23 OCT

You find it easy to judge others, but don’t like being judged yourself. This week’s tricky link between Mars and Saturn will bring you face to face with some harsh facts about yourself, but it’s not the truth that will bother you so much as having someone else point it out to you. CALL 1560 475 018* SCORPIO 24 OCT-22 NOV

If you need a change of scene, make this the week when you throw caution to the wind and head towards the horizon. It doesn’t matter where you’re going, so long as you are on the move. You’ll know when it is time to turn round and aim for home – your energy will run out. CALL 1560 475 019* SAGITTARIU­S 23 NOV-21 DEC

This is an important week for Sagittaria­ns, so don’t waste the momentum you have built up since the start of the month. It would be easy to take a break, but this is the moment when, if anything, you should be working harder than ever. The rewards will be worthwhile. CALL 1560 475 020* CAPRICORN 22 DEC-20 JAN

Pluto in your sign is nicely aligned with Mercury this week, so your thoughts will be positive and remarks short and to the point. Insist that others tell you the truth, even if you suspect you won’t enjoy it. You may be in the mood for fun, but you will still want to get things done. CALL 1560 475 021* AQUARIUS 21 JAN-19 FEB

With mind planet Mercury brilliantl­y linked to Pluto, planet of transforma­tion, there has to be something in your life that you can change for the better. One thing that springs to mind is the way you look at family issues. They are probably not worth getting so worked up about. CALL 1560 475 010* PISCES 20 FEB-20 MARCH

It is essential that you are decisive this week, even if you don’t have the slightest idea which path to follow. It’s irrelevant whether you take risks or play safe – what counts is that you choose a path and stick to it. Fate helps those who help themselves – so don’t be found wanting. CALL 1560 475 011* ARIES 21 MARCH-20 APRIL

If a relationsh­ip has fallen into a dull routine, your ruler Mars in Gemini should spice things up a bit. You’re in the mood to try something different, but make sure your partner approves before making your move. And remember: some people are more easily shocked than others. CALL 1560 475 012* TAURUS 21 APRIL-21 MAY

A money problem is not as hard to resolve as you imagine. In fact, the answer will be obvious once you stop listening to others’ advice and start listening to your instincts for a change. With Saturn in Sag you already know the answer, but are standing too close to see it. CALL 1560 475 013*

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