Irish Daily Mail - YOU

Coconut, banana & dark chocolate loaf


I am a nightmare for letting bananas get overripe – I only really like to eat them green. This is a great recipe for using those poor bananas that I haven’t got round to eating! There won’t be a huge rise on this loaf but that’s because it is super moist and packed with banana and coconut. This is a great quick cake if you are short on time. You can cover it in frosting, too, if you want to dress it up!


2 ripe bananas 70g plain flour ½ tsp bicarbonat­e of soda ½ tsp baking powder 15g cocoa powder 50g unsalted butter, softened 75g dark brown soft sugar 1 large egg 1 tbsp whole milk 50g desiccated coconut 75g dark chocolate (minimum 70 per cent cocoa solids) 1 banana, cut in half lengthways TO DECORATE 25g coconut flakes 100g dark chocolate (minimum 70 per cent cocoa solids) ● Preheat the oven to 160C fan (180C/350F/ gas 4). Grease a 450g (1lb) loaf tin and line with greaseproo­f paper. ● Put the peeled bananas in a large mixing bowl and mash them with a fork, or beat using an electric mixer. Sift the flour, bicarbonat­e of soda, baking powder and cocoa powder into the bowl and add the soft butter, sugar, egg and milk. Mix until well combined using a wooden spoon or the mixer. Fold in the desiccated coconut. ● Using a sharp knife, chop the dark chocolate into small irregular pieces. Add to the cake mixture and fold in until evenly distribute­d. Pour into the lined loaf tin. Lay the banana halves, cut-side up, on top. Bake for 40-50 minutes – test by inserting a skewer in the middle of the loaf; it should come out clean. Leave to cool in the tin for a few minutes before turning out on to a wire rack to cool fully. ● Place the flaked coconut in a cold frying pan and gently toast over a low heat until slightly golden. (Keep the coconut moving in the pan and watch carefully as it will brown quickly.) Tip on to a piece of kitchen paper and allow to cool. ● Melt the dark chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of boiling water. Drizzle the melted chocolate over the top of the loaf, then sprinkle on the toasted flaked coconut.

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