Irish Daily Mail - YOU


- Sally Brompton


Keep telling yourself that you are the best, that you can do no wrong, that anything is possible for those who dare. This week’s Solar Eclipse in your sign, supported by the genius of your ruler Uranus, will not only put you in a positive frame of mind but bring opportunit­ies to make your life more enjoyable and fulfilling. Take advantage of them. CALL 1560 475 010*


What is there to be afraid of? Ask yourself that question and mean it. The likelihood is that you are scared of something simply because you don’t know much about it. Once you find out how normal this apparently mysterious situation is your fear will evaporate. CALL 1560 475 011* ARIES 21 MARCH-20 APRIL

Think for yourself this week. Don’t just accept what an ‘expert’ tells you, especially if deep inside your soul a little voice is telling you the evidence does not add up. Many self-styled experts know little more than what they have read or heard. Do not let them mislead you. CALL 1560 475 012* TAURUS 21 APRIL-21 MAY

Mix with people of influence this week. Let them know who you are and what you can do. It is possible that the world will recognise your genius and beat a path to your door but it’s unlikely without some effort on your part. It’s a market place out there – so sell yourself. CALL 1560 475 013* GEMINI 22 MAY-21 JUNE

You will be in a philosophi­c frame of mind this week and far less concerned with everyday worries and woes. You may even be thinking of taking up an interest that leads you in a direction you would not normally be inclined to travel. Go for it. It is time for a change. CALL 1560 475 014* CANCER 22 JUNE-23 JULY

If you must be obsessive about something this week, be steadfast about making a difference to the lives of others. However, this does not mean forcing your views on them. Don’t insist on people thinking like you; show them how to think for themselves. CALL 1560 475 015* LEO 24 JULY-23 AUG

Love and romance with all the trimmings will be high on your agenda this week – possibly the only things in your diary. Go out of your way to be positive about your closest relationsh­ips. Think only good things about those you love and only positive things will happen. CALL 1560 475 016* VIRGO 24 AUG-23 SEPT

It will be tricky to balance matters of the heart and the head this week but not impossible. It might be best if you compartmen­talise your time – that is, devote different parts of the day to different things, refusing to let them overlap. Plan your time and stay in control. CALL 1560 475 017* LIBRA 24 SEPT-23 OCT

This is a week for action, for stretching yourself above and beyond the limitation­s you have falsely imposed upon yourself over the years. The Solar Eclipse in Aquarius dares you to break out of the emotional straitjack­et you’ve made for yourself. You can do it if you try. CALL 1560 475 018* SCORPIO 24 OCT-22 NOV

Everyone is different and some people you get along with and some you don’t. But has it never occurred to you that you clash with certain individual­s because you are too alike? Look closely at your opponents this week. Are you really emotional opposites? CALL 1560 475 019* SAGITTARIU­S 23 NOV-21 DEC

Make a point of being sociable this week, especially with those you take for granted or would not normally talk to. Everyone has a story to tell, and something you hear from an unlikely source could help you to come to terms with a problem of your own. CALL 1560 475 020* CAPRICORN 22 DEC-20 JAN

Financial issues may be causing you problems but how much of it is real and how much derives from your imaginatio­n? As a Capricorn you tend to fear the worst but by the end of this week you should be able to see your cashflow situation from a more balanced perspectiv­e. CALL 1560 475 021*

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