Irish Daily Mail - YOU



helps you cut away any self-sabotaging thoughts. brings light to challengin­g situations, reminding you to stay positive on your journey. inspires you to be passionate about the track you’re on.

HHHgives you the courage to venture into the uncomforta­ble.

H1. Identify what you want to have more willpower with (eg, establishi­ng a new habit).

2. Bring to mind any thoughts, beliefs or actions that hold you back from what you want to achieve.

3. With your black kyanite in your dominant hand, move the crystal in a slicing motion approximat­ely five inches in front of your forehead and cut the thought away three times.

4. Hold your citrine, garnet and tiger’s eye and say, ‘My willpower is strong. For the next 21 days, I will…’ then fill in the blank with what you want to achieve. Repeat two more times.

5. 1. Hold all the crystals and state your intention, ‘I am healthy’ seven times.

2. Lie on your back and place your crystals accordingl­y:

HEMATITE over your pubic bone;

BLOODSTONE below your belly button;

MALACHITE over your heart;

TURQUOISE over your throat;

CLEAR QUARTZ on your forehead in between your eyebrows.

3. Set a timer for five to 11 minutes and breathe deeply. During this time, visualise every cell of your being in radiant health.

This is when the moon is at its brightest, and bathing your crystals under it restores them to their most lustrous form. Place your crystal outside under the light of the full moon for four hours or more.

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