Irish Daily Mail - YOU



How beautiful does our cover star today, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, look? She’s one of those people who just radiates positivity. I watched her kitchen discos weekly during lockdown and it was a great way to start the weekend. That’s one of the things I discovered since the start of this pandemic: how important it is to surround yourself with positive people. Because the attitude of those around you really does rub off. You’ve heard of radiators and drains, right? Radiators are people who radiate energy and who spur us on; drains sap us of motivation and suck the joy out of everything around them. I’ve always tried to hang with the radiators – and I like to think I’m one myself. More than ever, the past few months have brought home how important it is to ensure those in your circle are there to bring you up, not down. That’s not to say you won’t be there if someone is having a tough time – that’s all part of friendship and when you’re having one of those days yourself, you’d like to think someone will listen and help you see the light at the end of the tunnel. But it’s the people who are constantly on a downer that you need to avoid. Misery loves company and they’d like nothing better than for you to join them in a wallow. So when you’re feeling down, like Sophie, don your sparkliest dress, your highest heels and shiniest lipstick, put on a funky dance number and groove your way around your kitchen. You’ll feel better after, I promise!

On page 16, we look back at the rise of handbags and how they play such a huge role in our wardrobes. I’d hazard a guess that I have about 25 maybe, from everyday bags to going-out ones. I don’t own any very high-end options, but I have a few mid-range favourites. I love buying them when I’m abroad too as they then bring back memories every time I use them – although at the moment those flashbacks are more likely to depress me than cheer me up! Check out our 10-page special, I’m sure you’ll find some beauties that you’d love to see as your next arm candy.

Enjoy the issue.

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