Irish Daily Mail

Shock over leaf lets for ‘euthanasia on demand’

- By Seán Dunne

HOUSEHOLDE­RS were left stunned yesterday after leaflets offering an ‘automated’ euthanasia service were put through their letterboxe­s.

The circulars delivered around Clontarf on Dublin’s northside contain a guide on how potential clients can go about ending their lives using the service.

However yesterday, Tom Curran – whose partner Marie Fleming took the most significan­t case in Ireland on assisted suicide – dismissed the leaflets, saying: ‘ This has to be an elaborate hoax, there’s no way that this can be a legitimate company.’

The leaflets state: ‘Tranquilli­ty is an Irish-owned company that has worked hand- i n- hand with engineers in Belgium and our team in Switzerlan­d to develop this fully automated mobile Euthanasia Portal.

‘Tranquilli­ty allows our clients to take that last step in life at a time of t heir choosing, i n comfortabl­e surroundin­gs, in dignity without fear of legal repercussi­on.’

Mr Curran said: ‘I don’t see what can be gained from whoever set this up, because they have gone to a great deal of effort to create this hoax.’

He believes it could be a scam to get credit card details over the phone.

He added: ‘ In the beginning, I thought this might be a teenage hoax but it seems too elaborate at this stage.’

Mr Curran also said he doubted this could be the work of an anti-euthanasia group as he said he respects their views and this seems ‘crazy’.

A spokeswoma­n for Dublin City Council said: ‘ As of yet, we have received no official applicatio­n for this clinic. They would have another few days to get the applicatio­n in or it could be in the post.’

The leaflets show various locations across Ireland where the pop-up clinic will be in Dublin, Cork and Galway.

Tranquilit­y Euthanasia claims to offer a discreet, profession­al and legal solution to your funeral arrangemen­ts.

The service proposes a nine- step guide on ending clients’ lives using the service.

Step seven on the leaflet states: ‘If you have been found to be a suitable candidate for our may now proceed to your next step.’

The number on the leaflet goes to a voicemail that tells users to leave their name, number and email address and that someone will be in contact.

The company even goes as far as offering clients the opportunit­y to write a will via video link with a 24-hour online legal team in Switzerlan­d.

A Garda spokespers­on said they are now looking into the matter.

As they stand, Ireland’s euthanasia laws are some of the strictest in Europe.

Switzerlan­d is one of the rare countries that allows for assisted suicide.

‘This has to be an elaborate hoax’

 ??  ?? ‘Could be card scam’: Tom Curran
‘Could be card scam’: Tom Curran

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