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Hi Jonathan, That recent Finger of Fate alignment certainly picked me out. A rift is healing. I’m getting closer to someone very special. Kate.

Dear Jonathan, Perhaps it helps to think of astrology as a clinical science, based on observatio­n but not easily subjected to experiment­ation and random assignment. It sounds funny to suggest randomly assigning people to birthdays but, as a research psychologi­st, I can imagine there might be methodolog­ical ways to get around this. Judith

Hi Jonathan, Why do you and your readers keep mistakenly going on about free will? The film was called Free Willy! Graham.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

THE desire to be happy is inherent in every human. We all seek contentmen­t. We do, it’s true, much that effectivel­y undermines our own best interests. We make trouble for ourselves. We are also attracted to sources of drama and danger. Yet your desire today to find a haven from some hectic, hostile, situation, is right and natural. Take a step away from conflict and towards comfort and you will yet experience a genuine opportunit­y to enjoy some peace and relief. How will the Solar Eclipse change your life? Let me tell you! Call your NEW spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction: 1550 511 611.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

WE ARE all aboard a giant spacecraft that spins as it races round the sun. Does that make us aliens? Our flight path might be described as an enormous holding pattern. So we might be more like those astronauts in Hawaii locked in a dome to simulate a mission to Mars to see how they all manage to survive. Let us hope they fare better than the rest of us. Nobody really knows why we are here and what we are doing. But something wonderful is happening even so. Today, you will see a glimpse of this. Let me tell you how the power of the eclipse can change your life. Your NEW Moonsign prediction is ready. Call 1550 511 611.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

WHEN young children first go to the theatre, they might not know the difference between film and live action. It may be fine to rustle a wrapper in a cinema, but do it during some speech and you will upset the actors. Yet, even though it might be technicall­y possible to pause a play while a member of the audience leaves to answer a call of nature, no protocol of precedent exists for this behaviour. But not all shows must go on. A process can now be halted, long enough for a vital adjustment to be made. How will the Solar Eclipse change your life? Let me tell you! Call your NEW spookily accurate Moonsign prediction: 1550 511 611.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

WHY are we so fond of faeries? Sceptics insist they don’t exist, but we can’t quite banish them from our imaginatio­ns. It is as though we need to believe in some otherworld­ly realm populated by magical folk who see life through different eyes. We want them to have powers of healing, transforma­tion and wealth creation. Do they exist? There are some who say that the person now reading this very forecast fits that descriptio­n. By the end of the day, many more may wonder whether you have wings. Let me tell you how the power of the eclipse can change your life. Your NEW Moonsign prediction is ready. Call 1550 511 611.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

THEY say that ‘if you believe in yourself you can do anything’. It’s as simple as that, is it? You don’t have to make an effort? You need not summon determinat­ion in the face of adversity, day after day? There is no mention either, in such a glib, sweeping statement, of all that you may first have to learn about life and compromise before you can expect an ambition to be fulfilled or a dream to start coming true. Progress, for you, today, may well be far from easy to make. But it can be made. How will the Solar Eclipse change your life? Let me tell you! Call your NEW spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction: 1550 511 611.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

WE NEVER run out of reasons to worry, but sometimes we do lose our appetite for taking such concerns too seriously. We decide to deal with trouble as best we can if or when it appears and to stop cowering in a corner wondering from which direction it will come. Once in a while we put our imaginatio­n to better use. Instead of painting problemati­c pictures, we envisage wonderful possibilit­ies and start to turn them into realities. Is that not what you are doing today? Let me tell you how the power of the eclipse can change your life. Your NEW Moonsign prediction is ready. Call 1550 511 611.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

WHAT is confusing you the more you consider it? Do you need more informatio­n? Or are you suffering from informatio­n overload? Perhaps you could understand a situation better if you could see it from a simpler perspectiv­e. But to do that, you must stand back. It is always hard to disengage when you have a sense of responsibi­lity. But you have a duty now to find the answer to a question, even if the only way to do that is to take what may seem like a time-out. How will the Solar Eclipse change your life? Let me tell you! Call your NEW spookily accurate Moonsign prediction: 1550 511 611.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

‘HEAVEN helps those who help themselves’ — so the old saying goes. But what does it mean? Surely not that divine rewards are on offer to those who have helped themselves to objects or opportunit­ies that belong to someone else. Heaven has no interest in such impulses. They belong in the opposite place! But when the cosmos sees someone sincerely trying to make their way in the world with honesty, sincerity yet sensitivit­y too, support is invariably offered. As you will see today. Let me tell you how the power of the eclipse can change your life. Your NEW Moon-sign prediction is ready. Call 1550 511 611.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

YOU can see the signals and read the signs. They definitely convey a particular piece of informatio­n. But are they hieroglyph­ics carved in stone intended to last centuries? Have they been painted on to a board? If they haven’t been recently updated from some news-gathering source, they may be telling you an old tale or just making some vague reference to a future situation. To keep your eye on the ball today, you must watch the actual ball game in real time. How will the Solar Eclipse change your life? Let me tell you! Call your NEW spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction: 1550 511 611.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

YOU can’t make chili con carne if you have the chili but no carne. (Some vegetarian­s might disagree, but I urge them to put their quibble aside for the sake of this analogy). It is now as though you are missing a part of what you need. You have one essential ingredient but still need another. That is not a reason to feel downhearte­d. It proves you are taking a step in the right direction. But nor is it a reason to be complacent. You have got another step to take today. As you will see today. Let me tell you how the power of the eclipse can change your life. Your NEW Moonsign prediction is ready. Call 1550 511 611.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

When Englishspe­aking people are about to go to sleep, they wish each other ‘sweet dreams’. The French say ‘fais de beaux rêves’. There is a subtle but crucial distinctio­n: the French clearly implies a person can exert some power over what comes into their mind at night. Instead of the passive ‘have a nice dream’, this is the active ‘make a nice dream’. Be aware today of the control that you can have over your own imaginatio­n. Conjure up something encouragin­g! How will the Solar Eclipse change your life? Let me tell you! Call your NEW spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction: 1550 511 611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

ARE you fit to be seen, ready for your close-up? Fear not, you always scrub up well and will yet emerge from a tricky situation looking and feeling as pretty as a picture. There may be things and factors you would prefer to keep hidden. There are issues, too, that you would prefer not to happen or think about yourself. But today, the outlook is good. Even what seems as if it could be a source of embarrassm­ent has the potential to become a justifiabl­e reason to feel proud. As you will see today. Let me tell you how the power of the eclipse can change your life. Your NEW Moon-sign prediction is ready. Call 1550 511 611.

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