Irish Daily Mail

Get real – Enda must either remain or quit


THE notion that Enda Kenny should step down as leader of Fine Gael but continue to hold the position of Taoiseach to oversee such issues as Brexit and the establishm­ent of a new Northern Ireland Executive is patently ridiculous.

Either Enda Kenny is the best person to lead his party – and therefore, under the current government­al arrangemen­t, the country – or he is not. It really is no more complicate­d than that. And in view of the fact that his parliament­ary party has already made it clear that a change of leadership is required, there is the answer.

Indeed, Mr Kenny said himself, after all, that he would address the issue when he returned from the US.

He is home now. It’s time to deal with the leadership issue.

Just consider for a moment that if, after Easter, Fine Gael was to elect a new leader, whoever that may be. That person then becomes the rightful leader of the majority party in Government. They are entitled, therefore, to be taoiseach.

How, then, could it possibly work to deny that new leader the taoiseach’s role – while the person who is no longer the elected party leader continues to function as the head of Government?

What kind of alternativ­e universe would the citizens of this country then be living in? The same one, by the sounds of it, that is currently being occupied by some Fine Gael deputies.

That this idea has even been suggested is utterly prepostero­us. While our politician­s are living in fantasy land, dreaming up these ludicrous scenarios, the Irish public is looking on, bewildered as to what on earth is going on.

It’s time for Fine Gael to get real. And get on with it.

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