Irish Daily Mail

Warriors who drank their ENEMIES’ BLOOD

They were one of history’s most barbaric tribes, but the bloodthirs­ty Scythians of Ancient Siberia also produced art of striking sophistica­tion


THEY were one of the most bloodthirs­ty tribes on Earth. When the Scythians took to the battlefiel­d, it was claimed the air was so thick with bronze-tipped arrows the sun was blotted out.

Mounted on their lightning-fast horses, they fired volley after volley at their terrified foes, before leaping to the ground to plunge axes into enemy skulls, slicing them through the pelvis with their spears for good measure.

And when they had wiped out the men, they started butchering the women and the horses, before gruesomely drinking the blood of those they had slain.

A compelling new show at the British Museum – Scythians, Warriors Of Ancient Siberia – opens today. And what a vicious lot they were, religiousl­y devoted to those bronze-tipped arrowheads and their brutal short axes.

The Scythians are a strangely forgotten tribe, given the vast area they ruled over, and the 700 years they survived. From 900-200BC, these nomadic people wandered great distances over the steppes, or flat grassland, of southern Russia. By around 600BC, they had created a royal dynasty. The chieftains were called kings (or

by the Greeks, and they handed on hereditary power to their sons through the 5th and 4th centuries BC. basileus)

THESE kings were buried in grand burial mounds, stuffed with their weapons of war – swords and axes and golden decoration­s for sword sheaths and bow cases.

At the greatest extent of their empire, the Scythians controlled a huge area, from northern China to the Black Sea – Siberia, where they originated, takes up a tenth of the Earth’s surface.

The British Museum show is packed with fine, beautiful golden jewellery, as well as incredibly intact everyday items, such as trousers, boots and the saddles

A ghoulish piece of painted skin from the upper torso of a Scythian warrior demonstrat­es how they went in for graphic tattoos made with a blue-black, soot-based pigment. The skin on show is from a 60-year-old chieftain who had fantasy beasts, horses, tigers and sheep painted all over his body.

The women were tattooed as well. They were also excellent riders who shaved their heads and wore trousers to make riding easier. They fought alongside their men and were commonly buried with their weapons and horses.

The Scythian women are said to have inspired the Amazons – the ferocious female warriors who, according to myth, sliced off one breast in order to fire arrows and hurl spears more easily.

All the artefacts at the British Museum have been kept in extraordin­ary condition by the Siberian permafrost in which they were deposited, often in the tombs of warriors and kings.

They survived under the frozen soil for 2,000 years, until 1715, when Peter the Great, the Russian tsar, sent special expedition­s to Siberia to recover the treasures of this most brutal of tribes.

Today, most Russians regard the Scythians as an important part of their history, and the hundreds of objects in this exhibition are on loan from the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg.

Because the Scythians were nomadic, they never settled down. So no city ruins remain, and no Scythian contempora­ry written record has survived, which is usually the vital key to unlocking an ancient civilisati­on.

Almost all of what we know about them – apart from the staggering finds now in the British Museum – is thanks to Herodotus, the 5th-century BC Greek known as the father of history.

In his work, On The Scythians, Herodotus uncovers the secrets of an astonishin­gly warlike tribe with a ritual devotion to slaughter.

Herodotus wrote: ‘A Scythian drinks of the blood of the first man whom he has overthrown. He carries to his king the heads of all whom he has slain.’

There is also evidence they scalped some of their victims. Following these bloody bouts, they relaxed with wooden bowls of fermented mare’s milk or wine out of great gold and silver vessels. They also burned hemp on hot stones and got high on the smoke.

Every year, according to Herodotus, the governor of a Scythian province would prepare a massive bowl of wine.

If a warrior slayed an enemy, he was allowed one huge cup. If he had slain more than one, he got two cups.

BUT if they scored a blank, not only did they not get to have a drink, they also had to sit apart at the banquet after the battle – ‘a very great disgrace’.

The Scythians were for ever at war with their neighbours on the edge of their huge, shifting kingdom. They fought a tribe called the Cimmerians on the edge of the Black Sea; they invaded Media in Iran and battered the natives.

In the 7th-century BC, they even took on the mighty Egyptians, whose king was so terrified, he paid off the Scythians with massive bribes. They swarmed deep into what is now modern Turkey, and into the Caucasus (now Russia, Georgia and Armenia). These military conquests – a kind of ancient blitzkrieg – were a success because of their obsession with weaponry and horses, which they combined to deadly effect, firing those bronze-tipped spears and arrows from horseback.

The finest gold piece in the British Museum shows Scythian warriors stringing their bows, but there is also a striking golden image of a man on horseback in a patterned tunic in the act of hurling a spear down upon an unfortunat­e enemy (above).

In fact any weapon would do, as long as it could slaughter people.

As Herodotus wrote: ‘They are both horsemen and footmen, and spearmen and bowmen; and it is their custom to carry battle-axes. They always use gold and bronze; all their spear-points and arrowheads and battle-axes are of bronze.’ Their arrows were particular­ly spine-chilling. They were triple-bladed for maximum effect. The arrowheads were also huge, meaning they could inflict serious wounds and were hard to extract.

The Scythians were so devoted to their arrows and quivers they were buried with them. Scythian tombs have been excavated, with these quivers still intact, holding their original arrows.

A 3rd-century BC Greek historian tells the story of how the Scythians, before going to bed, examined their quiver to see if they’d had a successful killing day. If so, they put a white stone inside the quiver; on a bad, bloodless day, they deposited a black stone.

On their deaths, the number of stones was counted: if there were more white than black ones, they were glorified as fortunate beings. Because they were nomadic, the Scythians were fantastica­lly mobile in battle. No-one knew where they would come from.

Even if they were beating a tactical retreat, they were impossible to catch. Herodotus describes the desperate attempts of Darius I, the King of the Persians, to pin down the Scythians in battle near the Black Sea in 513BC.

HE didn’t stand a chance. On their nimble horses, they darted here and there, destroying pasture and water wells as they left, leaving Darius’s pursuing troops short of food and water.

As soon as the Scythians had pulled off a victory – or suffered a rare defeat – they zipped off through the flat, unforested Russian grasslands they knew so well; land that was so easy for their enemies to get lost in, with its vast, unchanging landscape.

The Scythians were the ultimate elusive warriors, according to a 6th-century BC Byzantine military manual: ‘They prefer battles fought at long range, ambushes, encircling their adversarie­s, simulated retreats and sudden returns.’ When they did get into close combat, they were utterly ruthless, using akinakes (short swords), daggers and battle-axes to savage the enemy. They adored their weapons so much that not only were they buried with them, they even made stone sculptures out of them. One of their favourites was the sagaris, or pointed battle-axe – there is a chilling decorated example in the new exhibition.

The method was simple: just slam your sagaris straight into the head of your opponents, and those of their horses, too.

The skeletons of horses have been discovered, all killed with a sharp blow of a pointed battle-axe to the middle of the forehead. Some horses have multiple wounds in the same spot, suggesting a frenzied attack in the heat of battle. Humans fared no better. In a cemetery in southern Siberia, a dozen skeletons have been found with pointed battleaxe wounds to the front of the head. Three-quarters of them were men, but women, too, were cut down in the same way.

Battle-axes were also used to slice through the nape of the neck. Spears were pushed through foreheads as well as, agonisingl­y, into the pelvis. Those bronze-tipped arrows, too, have been found embedded in all parts of victims’ bodies. This forgotten empire truly was built on the blood of its enemies.

SCYTHIANS, Warriors Of Ancient Siberia opens today at the British Museum in London and runs until January 14, 2018. Harry Mount is author of Odyssey – Ancient Greece in the Footsteps of Odysseus.

 ??  ?? Savage culture: The Siberian permafrost preserved the treasures of the Scythians, whose reign was 900-200BC
Savage culture: The Siberian permafrost preserved the treasures of the Scythians, whose reign was 900-200BC
 ?? by Harry Mount ??
by Harry Mount

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