Irish Daily Mail

If you want a good night’s sleep, don’t go to bed angry

- By Victoria Allen

MOST couples know you should never go to bed on an argument. But anger won’t just harm your relationsh­ip – it could also ruin your sleep, researcher­s claim.

A study has found those who were angry generally, and struggled to keep their temper, slept worse.

They are believed to keep themselves awake by dwelling on their frustratio­ns and find it harder to achieve the calmness they need to drop off. There may even be a physical reason, as feelings of anger increase cardiovasc­ular activity, which makes it harder to fall asleep.

Psychologi­sts from Iowa State University based their findings on 436 volunteers whose sleep was monitored after completing an anger questionna­ire.

Writing in the Journal Of Research In Personalit­y, they state: ‘These findings add to the growing evidence that being prone to anger may lead to poor sleep and that anger and sleep are intimately connected.’

Study participan­ts were asked questions designed to determine if they were quick-tempered and became angered easily.

Based on their answers, participan­ts they were sorted into groups based on how they dealt with anger – the ‘anger-in’ group, the ‘angerout’ group and people with ‘anger-control’.

The people who controlled their anger got better quality sleep during a week of being tracked.

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