Irish Daily Mail

Satellite choice


JAZZ BIOPIC Born To Be Blue, 3pm, Sky Premiere

THE seamier side of the jazz and blues scene is explored in this sensual, well-performed biopic of Chet Baker. Ethan Hawke is the drug-addict trumpeter, troubled but intent on a comeback in the Sixties.

PAY-PER-VIEW MOVIE King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword, Sky Store

MORE fun than the bum-numbing new Pirates Of The Caribbean movie (also released this week), Guy Ritchie’s take on Arthur’s early years stars Charlie Hunnam and features plenty of sword-swinging.

CHAMPIONS LEAGUE Manchester City v Shakhtar Donetsk, 7pm, BT Sport 3

PEP Guardiola’s free-scoring City welcome the Ukrainian champions Shakhtar Donetsk to the Etihad Stadium for their second Champions League Group F fixture. Meanwhile, Liverpool face the arduous trip to Russia to take on Spartak Moscow (BT Sport 2, 7pm).

LAST EPISODE Rosewood, 8pm, Alibi

IN the final double bill of the sunny Miami crime drama with a dark underbelly, the eye of suspicion turns to the unnaturall­y cheerful Captain Slade (Eddie Cibrian, pictured). Does that fixed grin hide a dark past? Watch out for the Miami Vice-style suits in the flashback.

SITCOM MEMORIES The Story Of Only Fools And Horses, 8pm, Gold

TONIGHT’S episode focuses on what it was like to make the show. There’s a bit of luvvie back-slapping – inevitable – but also some great stories, bloopers and film of a 16-year-old Nicholas Lyndhurst interviewi­ng David Jason on the Seventies series Our Show.

DETECTIVE DUO Murder In The First, 9pm, Fox

THERE’S a sense of isolation in part three. Terry is under pressure after the shooting, hiding at home behind takeaway boxes and glued to the news, so Hildy pushes deeper into the Normandy case; hopefully, this engaging pair will find a way back to each other.

MUSIC BIOPIC Walk The Line, 9pm, Sony Movie Channel

JOAQUIN Phoenix is country legend Johnny Cash in a classy biopic that’s as much the story of his put-upon wife, June Carter (Reese Witherspoo­n), as it is about the Man in Black.

NEW YORK DRAMA The Deuce, 10pm, Sky Atlantic

A DRAMA about prostituti­on in Seventies NYC doesn’t sound like fun, but this new series from The Wire’s David Simon is responsibl­e and wellperfor­med, especially by Maggie Gyllenhaal (pictured) as the sex worker with a son. The one flaw is the absurd decision to have James Franco playing twins.

RURAL IDYLL British Gardens In Time, 11pm, BBC4

A REPEAT for this superb series of garden histories opens with Great Dixter in East Sussex, which was created by Nathaniel and Daisy Lloyd. They were an intriguing couple, and when they married in 1905, she insisted that every year, each partner would spend a month doing as they wished.

CLASSIC HORROR Rosemary’s Baby, 11.10pm, Sky Greats

ONE of the standout films of Hollywood’s experiment with new directors in the Sixties and Seventies, Roman Polanski’s first American feature remains one of the most unsettling films of all time.

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