Irish Daily Mail


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COWS moo, sheep bleat and roosters crow. Some things are incontrove­rtible. I mention this because the weekend planetary activity was textbook stuff. Mercury entered Libra, asking us to consider all sides of a story, Mars aligned harmonious­ly with Pluto, encouragin­g us to explore our deepest desires, and Venus opposed Neptune demanding that our hearts seek love. All together, that’s one heck of a din! Don’t be surprised if you hear echoes of this activity throughout the week.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

EVEN though no one likes being talked about behind their back, most of us are guilty of it sometimes. It’s always easier to share misgivings with other people, rather than address them to the subject of our criticism. Now I’m not advocating marching up to someone and reeling off a list of complaints. It’s always best to season honesty with a good helping of kindness and sensitivit­y. But it’s important to get your point across today. Tread with care, and a dispute can be resolved. Make October a special month. All you need to know is packed into your four-minute, indepth forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

NOT every sword can be swallowed. Not every hat conceals a rabbit. And levitating up above a traffic jam is going to remain a wish, rather than become reality. The visionary transforma­tions of magicians may be highly unlikely to occur off-stage but, looking on the bright side, few people are forced to escape from padlocks and chains either! Don’t expect to win the lottery today; but do expect the kind of subtle luck that will make a valuable difference in an important area of your life. NEW! There’s a lots to tell you about October. For four minutes of helpful news and inspiring advice, call 1550 511 611.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

LIFE is seldom plain sailing. There’s usually an obstacle or an issue to solve. But life is also full of inspiratio­n, love, mystery, and magic. It’s just too easy sometimes for the bright stars of hope to be eclipsed by sadness or anxiety. As your ruler settles into its new home, it’s a reminder that your current dilemma is actually a gateway to an ingenious solution. The emphasis is shifting towards positivity. There’s enough of that to change the way you approach any challenges. Are you ready for a brand-new month? Your prediction for the month is ready. Make October great! Call 1550 511 611.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

IF you were a general in a bunker, analysing the state of affairs, how would you assess your options? On the one hand you could push ahead, and take the risks that come with bold action. Or else you could retreat to safe ground. Staying put and hunkering down is a possibilit­y, too. The opposing forces that are currently vying for your attention make you feel like the rope in a tug of war. But Venus insists that you can use your dexterity today, and plot a path that leads to greater security. Make October a special month. All you need to know is packed into your four-minute, in-depth forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

SOMETIMES, the more effort we put into a task, the harder it becomes. As we raise the stakes, the fear of a mistake eclipses even the simplest process. We need calculator­s for basic arithmetic, or a dictionary to spell an easy word. The more we panic, the more the paralysis sets in. If we could only relax, everything would fall into a comfortabl­e place. As the Sun links creatively with Saturn tomorrow, put less pressure on yourself, and you’ll be amazed by what you can achieve. NEW! There’s a lot to tell you about October. For four minutes of helpful news and inspiring advice, call 1550 511 611.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

FOR centuries, people have flipped coins to enable them to make decisions. If it lands on ‘heads’, we’ll do this. If ‘tails’, we’ll do that. Often, it’s only when something (or someone) gives us a definitive answer that we know what we really want to do. A sinking feeling in your stomach is a clue to your innermost desire. And the strength of your response to the coin determines the final decision. The universe is giving you several signs and signals. If they feel right, trust them. If not, hold true to yourself. Are you ready for a brand-new month? Your prediction for the month is ready. Make October great! Call 1550 511 611.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

WE’RE uniquely sensitive to the varied emotions entering our stratosphe­re. We can sense other people’s anger, excitement and apprehensi­on. Yet we’re not always so good at identifyin­g our own emotions, or the effect they’re having on us. They tend to get in the way. Sweeping emotions to the side is unlikely to move you forward, but allowing them to direct your day isn’t ideal either. As Mercury, the planet of communicat­ion, moves into your sign, it brings the clarity to think before you act. Make October a special month. All you need to know is packed into your four-minute, in-depth forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

PEOPLE listen when you offer advice. Though they might pretend nonchalanc­e, or disinteres­t, make no mistake, your words are heard. And, over time, they work away, reshaping attitudes and belief systems. The influence of both Pluto and Mars, is a timely reminder not to underestim­ate your powers. Everyday conversati­ons have the power to create insightful new understand­ings. Use your wisdom and share your advice with care today. You’ll have more of an impact than you think. NEW! There’s a lots to tell you about October. For four minutes of helpful news and inspiring advice, call 1550 511 611.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

FAR too often, I wander over to the fridge, open it and stare inside. I know I want something, but have no idea what it is. But I know what it isn’t – and that’s everything I see on the shelves! I know I’m not the only person who does this. I’ve seen others exhibit the same kind of behaviour. Following Venus’ recent activity, it’s likely you know exactly how this feels. If you know what you’re yearning for, stop looking in the usual, unhelpful places. You can find what you want. Are you ready for a brand-new month? Your prediction for the month is ready. Make October great! Call 1550 511 611.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

IT’S easy to say that life is short. We hear it all the time. We use it to express the notion that because we don’t have all the time in the world, we need to enjoy every moment as much as we possibly can. And so, we fill every day to the brim – which is what you seem to be doing at the moment. Sometimes, though, it means doing nothing, and preparing the space for the next adventure. There are many issues filling you with urgency. But today, allow yourself the indulgence of a rest. Make October a special month. All you need to know is packed into your four-minute, in-depth forecast. Call 1550 511 611.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

PEOPLE often talk about a sense of emptiness that they don’t know how to fill. They’re often surprised when they hear that this is something to embrace. It’s a fortunate place to be. Where’s the room for positive change when your life is full to the brim? It’s better to have the right kind of emptiness rather than the wrong kind of fullness! The cosmos is bringing a moment of clarity, and a valuable realisatio­n. Then, you can make a fresh start towards filling your life with joy. NEW! There’s a lots to tell you about October. For four minutes of helpful news and inspiring advice, call 1550 511 611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

EVEN grumpy people have a romantic streak. But then, my views are coloured by the romcom As Good As It Gets! Jack Nicholson won an Academy Award for pretending to be a man pretending to be a grouch, while Helen Hunt received her Oscar for playing the person who uncovered his sentimenta­l side. So, is it just a Hollywood fantasy? Do you currently want to believe something so much that you’re willing to overlook the evidence? Look beyond the facade, and you won’t be disappoint­ed. Are you ready for a brand-new month? Your prediction for the month is ready. Make October great! Call 1550 511 611.

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