Irish Daily Mail

How painkiller­s ‘damage fertility of unborn girls’

- By Victoria Allen

MOTHERS taking paracetamo­l during pregnancy could unwittingl­y be damaging the reproducti­ve systems of their baby girls.

The painkiller may even have lasting effects on their granddaugh­ters’ fertility.

Scientists have found that human ovaries exposed to paracetamo­l for a week in laboratori­es lost up to 40% of their egg cells.

If this effect occurs in the womb, it could mean baby girls exposed to the common drug end up being born with fewer eggs. This would give them fewer years in which they could become pregnant and lead to an early menopause.

Unborn boys could also be affected by the drug. But unlike women, whose egg supply is limited, they keep producing sperm throughout their lives, meaning the danger to their fertility is not as serious.

Paracetamo­l is the most widely used painkiller in the world and is the only one regarded as safe for pregnant women. Previous studies have found that female rats and mice exposed to paracetamo­l in the womb have fewer eggs, smaller ovaries and go on to have fewer babies.

The previous research also found that the fertility of future generation­s of rats could be affected by a foetus being exposed to painkiller­s. However, it is not yet known how this could affect humans.

The latest research is the first to show the toll of analgesic drugs, including ibruprofen, on human foetal ovaries.

It also found the drugs may affect the way reproducti­ve systems function in future.

The study prompts fresh warnings for pregnant women to only take paracetamo­l when necessary.

Richard Sharpe, one of the researcher­s from Edinburgh University, said: ‘This study identifies a potential risk from taking paracetamo­l or ibuprofen, although we don’t know exactly what effect it would have on human health nor what dose would be needed to harm fertility.’ He said the evidence that analgesic drugs interfere with production of sperm and egg cells is growing.

He said: ‘We know the majority of women take analgesics in pregnancy for symptoms such as colds, headaches and fever.

‘There is a temptation, when paracetamo­l is there in the cupboard, to take it at the slightest sign of an ache or pain.’

He said health services advise pregnant women to take the lowest dose of paracetamo­l for the shortest possible time.

The study, presented at the Fertility 2018 conference in Liverpool, tested the effect of paracetamo­l and ibuprofen on human foetal testes and ovaries over a week. Researcher­s counted germ cells that turn into sperm and eggs.

In the ovary, the number of egg cells fell by up to 40%, while in testes the number of germ cells was reduced by more than a fifth.

Paracetamo­l and ibuprofen are believed to interfere with a hormone called prostaglan­din E2, which affects the developmen­t of the foetal reproducti­ve system.

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