Irish Daily Mail



THE sign of Scorpio represents our hidden powers. Jupiter’s presence there urges exploratio­n and competitio­n, while passionate Mars flexes his muscles and asserts his strength. If this were all that was going on this weekend, it would be enough to fill our plates, with plenty left over for second helpings! But there’s more on the celestial menu. As Mercury makes a supportive link with Uranus, if there are changes we need to make, we’re being served the strength to do it and the wisdom to do it right. ARIES YOU have a secret Mar 21 — Apr 20 admirer – someone who cares for you more than they have dared to say. You have touched their heart in a way no one has ever done. They’re not sure how to proceed; whether to talk to you about their feelings or keep it to themselves. It’s a precious relationsh­ip, which they value and don’t want to harm in any way. As your ruler forms a conjunctio­n with Jupiter this weekend, your charm is intensifie­d. Be careful! You’ll have more

effect on people than you imagine. You won’t be ready for 2018 until you’ve heard your latest, in-depth, four-minute forecast. For important news, call 1550 511 611. TAURUS I’VE been hinting Apr 21 — May 21 recently at the prospect of you entering a phase of good fortune. You may have been looking around, wondering when it was going to begin and from where it was going to come. Mars and Jupiter are forming a conjunctio­n this weekend, opposite your sign. That’s a good place to start! Luck, though, is something we need to have a hand in making for ourselves. When we’ve drawn on our own resources, we really do find satisfacti­on in our wellbeing. You can do that this weekend. You won’t be ready for 2018 until you’ve heard your latest, in-depth, four-minute forecast. For exciting news, call 1550 511 611. GEMINI GRATITUDE is May 22 — June 22 a wonderful feeling, especially when people express their thanks for deeds you have done. But for some time now, you’ve been helping other people and not been thanked. You’ve sacrificed your time and energy, but not been recognised for all you’ve achieved on their behalf. As you start a new year, this pattern needs to change. It’s time to stop undervalui­ng yourself. Old habits take effort to break, but giving yourself credit for all you’ve achieved is a good way to start. You won’t be ready for 2018 until you’ve heard your latest, in-depth, four-minute forecast. For excellent news, call 1550 511 611. CANCER YOU’VE almost June 23 — July 23 reached a place from where there’s no coming back. You’ve reached a decision and are in that sensitive stage betwixt and between where everything seems familiar, yet nothing is quite the same. You have time to make alteration­s. There’s space for gentle adjustment­s. No, I’m not hinting at a U-turn, nor an error that needs to be resolved. As Mars links to Jupiter this weekend, it provides the energy to put your plans into action. It’s just worth giving them a

final check before you take off! You won’t be ready for 2018 until you’ve heard your latest, in-depth, four-minute forecast. For important news, call 1550 511 611. LEO THE Mars-Jupiter July 24 — Aug 23 conjunctio­n this weekend will create the energy you need to shift a situation that’s been stuck for far too long. Although you can’t yet see what to do, you’ll discover how to proceed just when you need it. Just because your previous efforts haven’t worked doesn’t mean you won’t succeed this time. Actually, your experience has taught you a lot and you can use it to make things work this time round. You have the energy to move on and start building the future you want. You won’t be ready for 2018 until you’ve heard your latest, in-depth, four-minute forecast. For exciting news, call 1550 511 611. VIRGO SOCIAL media Aug 24 — Sep 23 makes it easy to have successful relationsh­ips with people we don’t really know, rarely see or barely communicat­e with. Similarly, we construct powerful relationsh­ips (in our minds, at least) with celebritie­s we watch on television. But when it comes to two people honestly communicat­ing face-to-face in the real world, it’s impossible to avoid tension. As Mars and Jupiter combine while your ruler links to Uranus, a heated exchange can lead to an exciting and worthwhile result. You won’t be ready for 2018 until you’ve heard your latest, in-depth, four-minute forecast. For excellent news, call 1550 511 611. LIBRA ‘I DON’T care too Sep 24 — Oct 23 much for money, money can’t buy me love’ sang the Beatles. A wealth of songs highlight this universal truth – but we always need reminding. No matter how big your bank balance, without love you are poor. But if you have hope, kindness and thankfulne­ss, you’re rich, no matter the state of your finances. Money is just one way we measure wealth. It just seems more important than it is. As Mars and Jupiter conjoin, you can feel richer and

more secure, materially and spirituall­y. You won’t be ready for 2018 until you’ve heard your latest, in-depth, four-minute forecast. For important news, call 1550 511 611. SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22 SOME people seem to live their lives doing the same old things they’ve always done. They stick with what they know and avoid anything involving confrontat­ion or challenge. But where is the fun in living like that? Did we come here just so we could stay in our comfort zones and lounge in the luxury of the familiar? No! We came here to be challenged; to explore pastures new and taste adventure – well, at least some of the time! And, as your ruler and Jupiter meet this weekend, this is one of those times! You won’t be ready for 2018 until you’ve heard your latest, in-depth, four-minute forecast. For exciting news, call 1550 511 611. SAGITTARIU­S THE way Nov 23 — Dec 21 that we live our lives might have been changed by technologi­cal inventions, but personally, I’m still waiting for teleportat­ion devices to be developed. Until we can be ‘beamed up’ Star Trek-style, a lot of people will be disappoint­ed by any new discoverie­s. Still, we can live in hope! Over-optimism should never be abandoned. As Mars and Jupiter align this weekend, something you’ve dreamed of is more realistica­lly achievable

than ever. Have faith in your vision. You won’t be ready for 2018 until you’ve heard your latest, in-depth, four-minute forecast. For excellent news, call 1550 511 611. CAPRICORN THIS Dec 22 — Jan 20 weekend, Jupiter and Mars combine in a part of the sky that speaks of your desire to effect social change and enable progress. Jupiter represents hope and morality – and, combined with Mars’ passion and energy, it brings an opportunit­y to make a difference and do something creative about an injustice. With Saturn in your sign for the first time in a generation, you have the authority to take charge. Do what needs to be done, and you’ll start to feel much more powerful. You won’t be ready for 2018 until you’ve heard your latest, in-depth, four-minute forecast. For important news, call 1550 511 611. AQUARIUS AS MARS Jan 21 — Feb 19 and Jupiter converge this weekend, they create a climate in which your ambitions become more achievable. Add the harmonious link forming between Mercury and Uranus, and it seems the cosmos is bringing a vital piece of insight or a moment of genius your way. Yet, to maximise the opportunit­ies, there’s a suggestion you’ll be better off working in a partnershi­p. Someone else’s ideas will add magic to the ingredient­s. Don’t be fooled into thinking you can do it all alone. You won’t be ready for 2018 until you’ve heard your latest, in-depth, four-minute forecast. For exciting news, call 1550 511 611. PISCES IF THERE really is Feb 20 — Mar 20 such a thing as ‘the call of destiny’, I wonder how we’ll recognise it. Does it sound like trumpets heralding? Or harps being plucked? People who have heard such a calling speak about a distinct, but indescriba­ble, sensation in their heart; an irresistib­le pull towards something or someone. Are you resisting such a call now? Change is challengin­g – scary, even – but the call you’re hearing will lead you to a wise choice. You can respond positively, and improve your life immensely. You won’t be ready for 2018 until you’ve heard your latest, in-depth, four-minute forecast. For excellent news, call 1550 511 611.

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