Irish Daily Mail

Daniel Craig, the worst-looking Bond?

- By Victoria Allen

WHEN it comes to James Bond, the debate over who made the best 007 is hard to settle.

Was Sean Connery the ultimate ladykiller spy, did Roger Moore do it better, or does Daniel Craig’s brooding intensity win out?

Science may not be able to help answer the question of who had the flashiest car or who had the most impressive gadgets – but it can decide who is the most handsome Bond of all.

And fans may be surprised to hear that the current 007, Daniel Craig, comes bottom of the list. As much as the famous blue bathing trunk scene in Casino Royale won him an army of adoring admirers, it appears the 49-year-old’s lips, nose and face shape let him down in the attractive­ness stakes.

The so-called golden ratio – a mathematic­al calculatio­n of beauty dating back to Ancient Greece – ranks Sean Connery as the best-looking of the six actors who have played the spy. His face, measured from 1964 when he starred in Goldfinger, show his features are closest to perfection. The ratio is

‘Thin lips and a bulbous nose’

used to describe ideal proportion­s using two measuremen­ts of one feature – such as the width of the face compared to its length.

One should be roughly 1.5 times longer than the other, a ratio of about 1.618. Sean Connery – now 87 – was ranked 89.2% closest to the ideal, followed by the late Sir Roger Moore, who scored 88.8%.

Third comes Timothy Dalton, star of The Living Daylights, with 86.5%. Pierce Brosnan is fourth, just beating George Lazenby on 85.2%.

The ratings were worked out by Harley Street cosmetic surgeon Dr Julian De Silva, who said: ‘Daniel Craig scored poorly because he has very thin lips, a bulbous nose and his face is very wide. Craig has rugged good looks but they don’t accord with the Greeks’ idea of beauty. Meanwhile Sean Connery has been feted as the most handsome Bond for years – and it is great this has now been proved by science.’

George Clooney was last year judged the male star with features closest to the ratio.

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