Irish Daily Mail



WHAT action do you take when your partner, South, opens 1♥ and RHO intervenes with 2♦? THIS is a simple, straightfo­rward situation, but it’s worth commenting on because a friend passed on it and subsequent­ly wanted to know why he should not have done so.

With 6HCPs, you would presumably have bid without the interventi­on. Whether you responded 1NT or 2♥ would be a matter of agreed style.

Neither response is perfect, but I’d prefer to gamble on partner having five hearts than no stopper in spades.

The interventi­on has made the decision easier for you because you can’t bid 2NT and you wouldn’t dream of making a penalty double on such a diamond holding, so you are left with 2♥.

Good partners always know an interventi­on may have forced you to distort your response a bit, but in this case, you haven’t done so.

 ??  ??

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