Irish Daily Mail

Why we believe we are proof HOMEOPATHY WORKS

Scientists insist it’s just a placebo. Patients say it’s changed their lives. With no sign of the war ending, a passionate cry . . .


THERE is no doubt that many people — including the vast majority of scientists — regard homeopathy with extreme scepticism. With its medieval-sounding ingredient­s, such as poison ivy, cat’s milk, common toad, all delivered in highly diluted, vanishingl­y minuscule amounts, how can it possibly work?

Developed in the 1790s by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician, homeopathy is based on the idea that, in tiny doses, like cures like. So if you have inflammati­on, for example, then very small amounts of substances such as bee sting or poison ivy could reduce it.

Remedies, often given as a tablet, but sometimes as a tincture or drops, are used for a particular problem — muscle pain or asthma, for instance — or for general wellbeing.

‘Like cures like’ may not sound a million miles from some more convention­al medical treatments, for instance in immunother­apy for allergies, where a patient is exposed to a tiny amount of the allergen (such as pollen) in a controlled way, or vaccines which expose someone to a safe dose of a particular virus to train the immune system.

However, homeopathy operates on the controvers­ial principle that the more diluted the remedy, the more potent it becomes. So the raw material — whether a plant, a mineral or part of an animal — would be diluted thousands of times.

The mainstream scientific view has long been that it’s impossible for such a dilute substance to contain any meaningful amount of the beneficial ingredient: it would be just water, and any benefit felt by the patient is simply a placebo effect.

The practice came under the spotlight in 2015 when a major Australian study analyzing over 1,800 papers on homeopathy showed there was ‘no good quality evidence to support the claim that homeopathy is effective in treating health conditions.’

Even so, in Ireland, homeopathy remains a popular alternativ­e to traditiona­l medicine for some when it comes to treating ailments. In Britain, the NHS now recommends that local health authoritie­s stop paying for it as there is ‘no clear evidence to support its use’.

But some proponents of homeopathy argue that major reviews of the scientific evidence have failed to include research that shows better results than a placebo.

Then there are the patients who say homeopathi­c remedies have worked when convention­al treatments have failed them. Here we speak to people who say it helped — for all sorts of conditions, from nasal polyps to migraines.

ANNA PLUCK, 41, is a sports therapist. She started using homeopathy three years ago for hayfever and nasal congestion.

FOR as long as I can remember, I’ve suffered with sniffles and hayfever. In the warmer months, my nose would be completely blocked, and if I caught a cold it would last for weeks. It made me miserable and affected my work. As a sports therapist, part of my job is massage but I’d have to cancel clients’ appointmen­ts because no one wants to be sneezed on while having a massage!

I’d tried over-the-counter nasal sprays and antihistam­ines. Steroid nasal sprays, which I started getting on repeat prescripti­on from my GP in my early 30s, would stop the symptoms if I used them every day — but that made my nose bleed.

Around five years ago, my GP referred me to an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist who diagnosed nasal polyps (swellings in the nasal lining). He said the only treatment was an operation to remove them, but they were quite likely to grow back.

I wasn’t keen on an operation, so I carried on with the steroid sprays and the occasional short course of prednisolo­ne tablets (another steroid) but my nose always got blocked again.

Then three years ago I saw a different GP at my surgery who was also a trained homeopath. I hadn’t requested to see him — it was just coincidenc­e — but he asked if I wanted to give homeopathy a go and I thought, ‘why not?’

He went into depth about my medical history before prescribin­g treatment which included lac delph tablets — literally dolphin milk.

The way it was explained to me was it’s not that they give you a particular remedy for a particular problem, it’s more about your allround health and personalit­y. It’s very personal to you. It sounds insane and I was a little sceptical.

After the first dose — a single tablet — I actually felt worse than I’d ever done with my nose. It was blocked and I had nosebleeds for three days. But I’d been warned that may happen, so I didn’t worry.

Less than a week later, I felt better; my sense of taste and smell improved and I wasn’t sneezing. Two weeks later I was told to take another dose. Again, I got a little bit worse for a while but then it cleared up.

After that, I took the tablets once a month for a few months and now I take a tablet just a few times a year — if ever I feel my nose blocking up slightly.

I don’t take any steroids at all and I haven’t needed an operation. I haven’t been back to the ENT specialist, but a doctor has looked up my nose with a light and can’t see the polyps. If it were a case of mind over matter, I don’t see how that could happen.

GARY RUGG, 62, a retired engineer is married to Kay, 59, turned to homeopathy to try to relieve his asthma and to prevent recurrent chest infections.

WHEN I was given my first homeopathi­c treatment I thought, ‘How on earth are a few drops of that going to help me?’ But it has.

I’d had asthma since I was a child but as an adult it got progressiv­ely worse. For example, rather than having an occasional wheeze when I ran, by my 50s I was wheezing every single evening.

It was frightenin­g, and I had to use inhalers daily. The noise of my wheeze would often keep Kay awake and just going on long walks would leave me fighting for breath. I developed bad chest infections two or three times a year that would need antibiotic­s and I’d be off work for a couple of weeks.

Twelve years ago, I thought I can’t live like this and my GP referred me to an asthma specialist.

He took X-rays and tried me on

lots of different inhalers. I was left with three: two which I used all the time and Ventolin which I used as and when I needed, which was most days. I got no better and gave up hope that I ever would.

In 2010, Kay suggested I try homeopathy and I got a referral to refer me to the Royal Homeopathi­c Hospital in London. The doctor spent over an hour talking to me and asking me about my lifestyle and the kind of person I was. She even asked me about my dreams. It was quite an emotional experience.

She gave me drops which I had to dilute in water and then take a 5ml teaspoon of, swilling it in my mouth before swallowing.

Four days later I felt as if I had flu, but I called her and she said that was normal. I had to repeat that process three weeks later.

I went back to see her and she talked to me again and gave me silica tablets made of some sort of plants. I had to put one under my tongue morning and night.

The effects were pretty dramatic. I haven’t had a day off sick with a chest infection since. Best of all, I stopped wheezing at night.

I go for check-ups every six months and the doctor measures my lung capacity — which has improved since taking the tablets.

These days, I only occasional­ly use an inhaler — for example if I go on holiday somewhere hot and dry.

I’m not saying it will work for everyone, but homeopathy has definitely worked for me.

JAY HUDSON, 50, a former research fellow in mental health, is being treated with homeopathi­c remedies for a number of conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis and migraine.

WHEN I began my homeopathi­c treatment three years ago, I was under the care of eight different consultant­s and taking a variety of high-dose prescripti­on painkiller­s — eight pills a day — in a vain attempt to find something that worked.

I had rheumatoid arthritis and peripheral neuropathy (severe pain in the hands and feet) and frequent severe migraines. I also had a big toe that had become so swollen and deformed that I’d been told it needed corrective surgery.

I was worried about the effects of all the drugs I was taking. The ones for migraine made my legs weak and gave me dizzy spells, and the painkiller­s didn’t even work well enough to allow me to type. I had to stop work seven years ago and was largely housebound.

My rheumatolo­gist suggested homeopathy and my GP agreed because he’d run out of specialist­s to send me to.

I was given four homeopathi­c remedies, and the effect has been remarkable. The swelling in my toe shrunk two inches and my rheumatolo­gist said I no longer need an operation.

I am still chronicall­y ill and in pain, but the homeopathy has really helped, especially with the side-effects of the drugs. My last migraine was six months ago: before, they were every few weeks. I can also use the computer again.

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