Irish Daily Mail



Nicotinell Mint 2mg Lozenge, €22.50, pack of 96

CLAIM: Provides relief when the urge to smoke strikes. Dissolves in the mouth to release a 2mg dose of nicotine to help satisfy that urge. Most people use eight to 12 lozenges a day.

EXPERT VERDICT: Pharmacist Sid Dajani says: ‘These are not very effective. We often recommend a nicotine patch to provide a baseline level of nicotine, then another product — a nasal spray, inhaler, or gum — to give a quick “hit” if someone has a craving. But with lozenges, it takes minutes to work. So you may end up smoking again if you don’t get a fast enough hit. Many complain about the taste. People with ulcers, mouth cancer or recent dental work should avoid the lozenges and gum as nicotine constricts blood vessels, slows healing and leads to infections.’


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