Irish Daily Mail

By the way . . . Parents need to play their part in tackling obesity


TALKING about obesity at this time of year might have the ring of killjoy about it, but the issue of childhood obesity is a subject that should concern us all, whatever the season.

One in four children in Ireland are overweight or obese, with four out of five children here failing to meet the Government Physical Activity Guidelines.

This is now leading to a rise in the number with type 2 diabetes — something that was

previously almost unheard of in children. Many people under the age of 25 are now known to have the condition and, though in some cases genetic factors are involved, there is no doubt the dominant features contributi­ng to this are poor diet and lack of exercise. This is in itself a tragedy. Children should not have type 2 diabetes and they should not be obese — for this is more than just puppy fat; obesity is something

they are highly unlikely to grow out of. An obese child is five times more likely to become an obese adult. Essentiall­y we’re feeding our children too much of the wrong foods and not keeping them active enough. In fact, one fifth of the energy intake from a child’s diet comes from sugary drinks, biscuits, sweets, chocolate and cake. This is simply too much.

As a parent myself, I know the challenges — and, at this time of year, when children

up and down the country have been on the receiving end of computer games from Santa that will ensure yet more sedentary behaviour, while munching on copious chocolate gifts, it is more difficult than ever.

Yet it is not an issue we can ignore if we want a healthy future for our children. And without good health, what is there?

I hope in 2019, the tide finally starts to turn on this problem.

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