Irish Daily Mail


Juice guru Kara Rosen


KARA ROSEN, 42, founded Plenish, a range of plant-based juice cleanses and nut milks, in 2012. She lives with her husband Leon and their two daughters, Charlie, two, and Belle, eight.

I’M A native New Yorker but worked here in my 20s, doing marketing for Vogue publisher Condé Nast. It was great fun, but exhausting, as I was travelling a lot. I thought I was healthy, yet everything I ate was beige: porridge, sandwiches, whatever I could grab at airports.

Then, in 2003, I got a bad case of strep throat, which causes painful inflammati­on. I went on antibiotic­s, but it kept coming back.

I hit rock-bottom at Christmas 2007, when I got so ill my parents came to look after me. I was 29, single and felt so powerless.

This was a real wake-up call. I decided to visit a nutritioni­st. She told me my gut was so destroyed by antibiotic­s that I couldn’t absorb the nutrients from food.

So I went on a juice cleanse, to rebuild my microbiome, which affects immunity. It was life-changing.

I got into juicing. My friends thought I’d become a hippie!

Shortly after, I met my husband Leon and we moved to London. However, there wasn’t the same juicing culture over there as in the States.

So I ordered a cold-press juicer to make my own. At first, it was just for me. Then, when I attended postnatal yoga classes, I started sharing my juices with other mums. One day I got a call from someone at Goldman Sachs. His wife had given him one, and he wanted enough for the whole trading desk.

This was my lightbulb moment. I realised there were other people, like me, who needed a healthy boost but don’t have time.

In 2012, I launched Plenish — a range of handmade, plant-based juices and dairy-free milks — while still on maternity leave.

The beginning was a blur: I was juggling a new business with a baby. Yet, I got a partnershi­p with Soho House and Yoga Studios; then launched in major supermarke­ts and department stores by 2015.

Now, we’re stocked in many supermarke­ts and wholefood shops. Gwyneth Paltrow also named us the best juice cleanse on her website Goop.

Our aim remains to make it easy for people to look after their health, and the planet’s, so that we’re running on plenty, not empty. It’s never been more important.

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