Irish Daily Mail




Hip thrusts are a great workout for isolating your hips and building functional strength in the gluteal muscles. Your glutes are the largest and one of the most important muscle groups in the body. They are almost involved in every daily function you do. These muscles are designed to lift and extend your legs in front or behind the body when in standing or seated position. We can develop tight hip flexors from sitting down all day. If this happens, it makes simple tasks like this difficult to do. Hip thrusts maximise the movement of ‘hip extension’. This helps to counteract this problem. Strengthen­ing this area improves your form for other strength exercises such as squats and deadlifts. Performing hip thrusts on a bench or elevated surface puts more emphasis on your glute muscles when contractin­g these muscles. It also further engages your core.


Beginners: Perform the exercise with no weight

Intermedia­tes: Perform the exercise with 1 dumbbell (8-10kg) lying horizontal­ly on the hips Lie down with your head and back flat on the exercise mat. Rest and extend your arms by your sides face down unless holding a weight on your hips. Position yourself close to the bench so that your legs are situated at 45 degrees when resting your heels on its surface. Squeeze with your gluteal muscles as you push your body upwards till its in a straight pencil-like position. Press your heels against the floor to assist driving your hips upwards. Then release your hips and lower yourself back to starting position. Complete the exercise with multiple repetition­s.


Beginners: Perform the exercise for 15-20 repetition­s | 2 sets | Rest 60 seconds

Intermedia­tes: Perform the exercise for 20-25 repetition­s | 3 Sets | Rest 60 seconds * Perform with weight

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