Irish Daily Mail

A few tricks and treats to keep your dogs safe this Halloween...

- Irish Daily Mail Reporter

THERE has been an alarming 358% spike in the number of dog owners looking for fireworks advice for their pets compared to 2019, Dogs Trust Ireland has said.

As fireworks tend to be sudden, unpredicta­ble and bright, this combinatio­n can have a profoundly negative impact on some dogs, especially more nervous pooches.

However, Dogs Trust is on hand to help with some canny canine advice to keep your pet calm amid the celebratio­ns.

These include using a duvet to ensure your furry friend is comfortabl­e on the night that sends a shiver down most dogs’ spines.

As well as urging the public to contact gardaí to report any instances of illegal pyrotechni­cs being set off in their area, the charity is also reminding people not to let their pet pooches eat treats meant for humans, as they are harmful to dogs.

Advising about Halloween, Karla Dunne, head of operations at Dogs Trust Ireland, said: ‘Halloween can be terrifying for some dogs, so we recommend that your dog is well exercised before dark and is fed and given a toilet break before the fireworks begin.

‘Most importantl­y, dogs should be indoors with lots of dog-friendly activities to keep them occupied. Some dogs like to hide, so please allow them to stay where they feel safest and make it as cosy as possible for them, even if it’s something as simple as draping a duvet over the area.’

The charity’s tips and tricks for dog owners this Halloween include:

Try to settle your dog before the fireworks start – if your dog is in familiar, safe surroundin­gs, it will help them cope with the noise;

Provide a safe hiding place – at noisy times around Halloween, make sure your dog has somewhere safe to go in their favourite room, perhaps under the table. Close the curtains, turn the lights on, and turn up the volume on your TV or radio to drown out the firework noises. Try throwing a blanket over the table to make them feel more secure;

Make sure your house and garden are secure as fireworks may make your dog flee.

Dogs Trust is also warning that Halloween treats such as chocolate, raisins and grapes are toxic to dogs.

 ??  ?? Fireworks fears: Pups Annabelle, Luna and Penny
Fireworks fears: Pups Annabelle, Luna and Penny

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