Irish Daily Mail




MOUNTAIN climbers are a killer workout that replicate the same movement as the high knees exercise. The difference is that they are performed in an elevated plank position while supporting your own body weight. This will further elevate your target heart rate for burning more calories while firing at nearly every muscle group in the body — arms, shoulders, chest, abs, hips, quads and hamstrings. It will also strengthen your lower back as you are keeping it straight if you are doing this correctly. If you’re looking to build endurance, core strength, and agility, then mountain climbers are always a priority option to add to your programme. Renowned for being one of the best sculpting exercises, it’s great for burning fat and defining your upper and lower body.


Come down to your hands and knees on the exercise mat. Slightly retract your shoulder blades and look in front of you to avoid rounding 1 your upper back. Position your hands so that they are straight and directly beneath each shoulder joint. Your arms should be fully extended without bending your elbows. Extend both legs back until you are on your toes. While in this position, keep your core engaged, your lower back straight, and avoid your thighs from dipping. Keeping this form for the duration of the exercise, alternate lifting your left and right knees above the waistline. Control your breathing while performing this movement from moderate to high intensity.


Beginners: Perform the exercise for 30 Seconds (Non Stop) | 2 sets | Rest 1 minute Intermedia­tes: Perform the exercise for 60 seconds (non stop) | 3 sets | Rest 1 minute

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