Irish Daily Mail




THE high knees exercise can be included in any workout program as it can be performed anywhere, any time. This is one of the best high impact cardio exercises and can be done standing in the same spot. Regardless of this drill being completed in shorter or longer durations, it’s immense for improving muscular strength, endurance, stamina and burning a significan­t amount of calories. The high knees workout will help develop all components of your fitness. It works every muscle in the lower body as you propel a lot of power from your legs while lifting your knees above the waistline. The exercise also helps build strength in your upper body. Your arms and shoulders are heavily worked as you assist your legs with this sprint like movement.


Stand in one position with your feet placed shoulder-width apart. Keep your arms at your sides and slightly bend the elbows. As you begin to lift your right knee above the waistline, bend your left elbow more and raise your left arm upwards in a sprint like motion. Then perform the same movement on the opposite side with your left knee and right arm. Alternate quickly from left to right as you complete several repetition­s for the duration of this exercise. Make sure to stay on the balls of your feet and keep your core upright and engaged as you bring each knee above the waist.


Beginners: Perform the exercise for 30 seconds (non stop) | 2 sets | Rest 1 minute Intermedia­tes: Perform the exercise for 60 seconds (non stop) | 3 Sets | Rest 1 minute

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