Irish Daily Mail



a fortnight appeared to be on the road to full recovery.

But then one morning, early in his recovery, while I was working a shift on a Covid ward at the hospital, Xand came into A&E as an urgent case.

He’d developed a dangerous heart rhythm disorder, atrial fibrillati­on, likely as a result of the virus inflaming his heart.

Xand had a heart rate of 170 beats per minute (it should have been around 60) and his blood pressure was low. Colleagues from the A&E and anaestheti­cs teams sedated Xand and cardiovert­ed him — giving him a large electric shock to temporaril­y stop his heart, allowing it to restart in a normal rhythm.

It was a terrifying and, for me, tearful moment. This is a fairly routine procedure but the worst consequenc­es are severe.

Nor was this to be the last time: Xand came into the emergency room twice more as the year went on. It was clear that Covid had damaged his heart.

As this was unfolding in my own family, it was becoming clear from patients and colleagues from other specialtie­s that Covid affects every organ system — even in those who don’t have a serious infection.

We now know from hard-won experience that it can have widespread and devastatin­g effects, causing strokes and brain inflammati­on, clots and heart attacks.

And contrary to media reports, we were seeing these problems in many young and previously healthy people. A few died, but many have been left devastated by an apparently mild illness.

Xand is still taking medication to keep his heart in rhythm.

Meanwhile, other effects on the heart are still unfolding. Only last week, a study by UCL found high levels of potentiall­y chronic heart problems among people who have survived hospitalis­ation with Covid — revealed in blood tests for troponin, a protein released from injured heart muscle.

Perhaps the most worrying sideeffect for younger people is long Covid — a cluster of different symptoms along with severe ongoing fatigue.

For a long time, the medical profession has been unable (and, occasional­ly, unwilling) to help people with fatigue syndromes such as ME (myalgic encephalom­yelitis) and fibromyalg­ia. They often have normal test results and they can get written off.

Covid is starting to make many of us wonder if contractin­g a virus as an adult may explain the symptoms many previous patients have been struggling with.

The latest science of long Covid is just one of the topics we covered in our TV special, to marks almost a year since we entered lockdown.

Presented by me, Xand and Dr Guddi Singh, a paediatric­ian, it featured interviews from scientists and clinicians at the forefront of the fight.

And what we discovered through the course of making the programme is that the medical community has learned so much in the past year, and now have the knowledge to end the pandemic and stop the appalling sickness and death caused both by the coronaviru­s and by lockdowns which are affecting our mental health too.

And the data we have seen seem to make some choices increasing­ly clear if we want to relegate this virus from a lethal pandemic to an occasional pestilence.

Here are some of the lifesaving lessons that we’ve learned.


WHAT we know about the new coronaviru­s, how it behaves and how to tackle it, is the culminatio­n of the revolution in genetics that started with the project to sequence the human genome.

In the 20 years since that was completed, we haven’t quite seen the promised benefit to us all. Until now.

The story of this pandemic — past, present and future — can be written with an alphabet of just four letters: those of the genetic code that’s common to all life.

These letters — A, T, C and G — are the building blocks of the DNA blueprint in all our cells, including many viruses. The ways in which these letters are combined in long sequences determine what makes all living things unique.

It is thanks to the advances in genetics, unimaginab­le even a few years ago, that we now know enough about how this virus spreads and mutates so we can actively end this pandemic and return to normal life.

The sequence of the Covid-19 genome was published in January 2020 — astounding­ly fast.

This meant that by early February, Professor Teresa Lambe and the team in Oxford (working with AstraZenec­a), along with other scientists around the world, were already designing the vaccines many of us have now had.

As Teresa explained when we interviewe­d her, the vaccines licensed in Britain are gene-based, which means they don’t need a sample of the virus to start testing and manufactur­ing: they just need the genetic code, which can be sent in an email. (This massively speeds up the developmen­t process as there’s no need to culture live virus.) Genetics have also allowed us to diagnose the virus. The gold standard PCR test is a genetic test that looks for parts of the virus genome. It is highly accurate and has allowed us to understand so much of the virus biology. Genetic technology has also enabled the Covid-19 Genomics UK Consortium (COG-UK) to track the emergence of new variants by sequencing diagnostic samples from all over the UK. As Professor Sharon Peacock, who heads up COG-UK, told me, it is thanks to this work that we are now increasing­ly sure that the UK’s ‘Kent’ variant, which has accounted for 90 per cent of transmissi­ons in this third wave since Christmas here, is not just more transmissi­ble but may also be more deadly, hospitalis­ing a greater proportion of the patients who get it.

For a while, it had seemed like this virus changed relatively slowly — a couple of mutations a month. But not now.

I also spoke with an old friend and colleague, Ravi Gupta, a professor of clinical microbiolo­gy.

He described his shock when he first saw the gene sequence for the Kent variant: it had not one or two but 23 different DNA mutations. He’d seen this exact pattern in a patient with a perilously weak

10-30% of people who get Covid are responsibl­e for 90% of further infections

immune system (as a result of chemothera­py for cancer) with Covid who’d been suffering with the virus for 100 days in hospital.

The patient was given ‘convalesce­nt plasma’ from those who had recovered from Covid. The plasma contained antibodies that should, theoretica­lly, kill the infection. Instead, the virus evolved to get around this by accumulati­ng mutations in its DNA. By the time the patient had died, the virus had evolved 37 separate mutations.

This may be where some of the new variants are coming from — chronic cases in patients with immune dysfunctio­n where the virus has a unique opportunit­y to try out different evasion strategies.

The genetic sequences that we use to diagnose patients are now also being used to build the next round of vaccines.

We are going to see variants emerge around the globe, but instead of starting from scratch, the sequence can be plugged in and an updated vaccine produced in months, not years.

I can’t imagine where we would have been now with this pandemic had it not been for genetics — but without doubt, we would be desperatel­y worse off.


EVENTUALLY, once as many people as possible are vaccinated, herd immunity will reduce transmissi­on of the virus. But this will take many months — and we are a very long way off having natural immunity from the massive waves of virus that have spread.

In the meantime, reducing transmissi­on is vital for the success of our vaccine rollout. Allowing the virus to continue to spread before widespread vaccinatio­n will not only lead to deaths and long Covid but also risks the emergence of vaccine-resistant strains.

It is a law of biology as immutable as the law of gravity that viruses mutate when they spread. Every infected person and transmissi­on gives a chance to the virus.

We know that allowing a surge to spread through the population once the vulnerable are vaccinated will give an advantage to those variants capable of spreading in vaccinated people.

Currently, the vaccines work superbly well. Surrenderi­ng an advantage to the virus by allowing it to start spreading rapidly would be a terrible waste. It will also kill many young, fit people and leave many others devastated with the consequenc­es of infection.

Dying of Covid19 now is like being a soldier shot dead on Armistice Day when the ink is drying on the treaty but the ceasefire is yet to begin. This is now a vaccine-preventabl­e disease.

If everyone complies with lockdown right now, that vaccine potential won’t be wasted.


TO REDUCE transmissi­on and the worst effects of long Covid, it’s vital we find the people who spread the most virus and isolate them.

Scientific studies have revealed that the vast majority of people who contract Covid-19 never pass it on — and that between 10 to 30 per cent of infected people are responsibl­e for 90 per cent of all transmissi­ons.

This may be partly down to some people’s biology. In the Horizon programme, Mark Woolhouse, a professor of infectious disease epidemiolo­gy, referred to these people as super-shedders, because they release unusually large numbers of virus particles.

This was starkly demonstrat­ed in the summer of 2020, when an airliner landed in Ireland from the Middle East carrying 49 passengers.

It was later discovered that 13 were infected with Covid-19. Most of them did not go on to infect anyone else; however, five of the passengers went on to infect 43 other people.

We also know that there are supersprea­der events which are crucial. If a super-shedder patient is sitting quietly at home alone, then they won’t infect anyone.

But if they go to a party, say, they could infect a huge number of others present.

Super-spreader events tend to be poorly ventilated, indoor environmen­ts with lots of crowding: weddings, churches, choirs, gyms, funerals, restaurant­s. Loud talking or singing massively increases the risk. Clubs and pubs are prime examples.

Any case of Covid is most likely to have been infected at a supersprea­der event or by a supershedd­er. This means that simply isolating the contacts of an infected person, as we currently do, is important — but what we would ideally do is look backwards at all the people our case may have caught it from.

This will identify the supersprea­der event or person and allow tracing of their contacts — which will produce many more cases who need to be isolated.

This is called backward tracing and it is not trivial. It takes resources and money and needs transmissi­on rates to be low enough to do it.

As I write, there are more than 10,000 new cases each day. It is simply not possible to trace and isolate everyone linked to every one of them.

But what is clear is that if our vaccines and our current tracing methods are going to work, we must ensure that transmissi­on rates in the community are at rock bottom before we start to open up the places where it spreads best. Rapidly opening up venues where large numbers of people are indoors with poor ventilatio­n for prolonged periods may lead to the emergence of vaccine-resistant strains and another cycle of deaths from Covid, followed by lockdown. I would rather catch Covid-19 now than a year ago. But knowing about long Covid, I would much rather not get it at all. And that is the point of continuing to drive down the daily infection numbers whilst we roll out mass vaccinatio­n and effective tracking and tracing.

There are 200 new Covid vaccines currently in developmen­t — 60 are in clinical trials


WHEN we do the maths, it looks like we will need to vaccinate many more people against Covid-19 than was previously hoped to achieve herd immunity, which will prevent the virus from spreading.

Indeed, we might have to vaccinate as many as 97 per cent of the population. This is because the new variants we’ve seen so far are significan­tly more contagious than the strain from China.

Certainly, we can’t rely on natural herd immunity emerging by sufficient people getting infected and surviving to develop their own immune resistance, as some mooted early on. That idea was always extraordin­arily naïve and dangerous.

This has been underlined by the fact that high levels of natural

transmissi­on have allowed new strains to emerge — and it looks like these can go through the population and re-infect people. Nor do I think that anyone with expert knowledge believes we can eradicate Covid-19 in the way that we wiped out smallpox — the only virus we have managed to eradicate. But we can reduce its impact with vaccines.

I’m a great fan of vaccinatio­n, but I’m not a fan of mandatory vaccinatio­n because it generates suspicion.

We need to persuade people about how great and safe these vaccines are, not threaten them with ‘no jab, no job’.

Carrots and informatio­n work better than sticks.


COVID-19 has now killed some 2.5 million people worldwide and infected 110 million, many of whom will suffer long-term consequenc­es, and cost the world an estimated €16 trillion.

But compared to what might have happened, we’ve got off relatively lightly.

It’s estimated there are more than a million viruses in animals able to infect us, and any one may become a pandemic far worse than this. Imagine a virus that kills 5 to 10 per cent of those it infects, and that this was the death rate in children.

The next pandemic is already in the post. This month, the authoritie­s in Guinea in West Africa declared a new Ebola outbreak; Saudi Arabia’s health ministry has reported four new cases of MERS, a coronaviru­s we catch from camels.

We know that the more humans invade wild ecosystems, the more we expose ourselves to deadly viruses that can jump from animal species into us. And these jumps are happening more often, driven by global consumptio­n, health inequaliti­es, climate change, agricultur­al practices and environmen­tal destructio­n.

We need to improve our global surveillan­ce systems for spotting and stopping novel viral outbreaks. If we don’t, it is a racing certainty that we will see the next pandemic within our lifetimes.

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 ??  ?? The lessons learned: Doctors Chris (left) and Xand van Tulleken in a Horizon report
The lessons learned: Doctors Chris (left) and Xand van Tulleken in a Horizon report

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