Irish Daily Mirror



Capricorn Dec 22 –Jan 20

Though your energy levels should increase, you may need some sustenance. Any place you can get it. This can take many forms. A random meeting or introducti­on could spice things up a little this weekend. As your usual accomplice­s are away on their travels, no reason to tell them.

Aquarius Jan 21–Feb 19

You may be emotionall­y needy, especially if you are unattached. Give the dating sites a miss this, and simply go about your business-which in your case, is a spot of shopping. A relationsh­ip will hot up, but not just yet. Doubtless, you will want to enhance your appearance or wardrobe this weekend.

Pisces Feb 20–Mar 20

There is a tendency is to stay close to home and ease the family out the door. Peace and quiet at last. Not a chance. Besides, with Mercury linking up with Neptune in Pisces, it’s a case of the more the merrier. Ensure that no one can derail your plans this weekend.

Aries March 21–April 20

A bit of alone time won’t harm you, and may be thoroughly enjoyed. However, you do need to find something to do to occupy your mind, or fill a void. Not a thrill a minute admittedly-all the real action happens after the weekend. Meanwhile, some bargain hunting might be the ticket.

Taurus April 21–May 21

You could do a bit of perusing even if you don’t actually purchase anything. You need to keep a lid on your spending. Meanwhile, what happens later this weekend should be fun. Among your many acquaintan­ces, is someone in pursuit of the same thing?

Gemini May 22–June 20

You may be fearful, even frightened of revealing your feelings, after what happened. No matter. More than likely you will shun all company, rather than having to explain yourself again. In fact, privately, you may admit that one associatio­n is over. Contact will be minimal until after the weekend.

Cancer June 21–July 22

This weekend should still be stimulatin­g, even if you don’t feel like participat­ing in any frenetic activity. With Mercury in Taurus aligned with Neptune, apart from avoiding more dubious friends, you could end up in the same place by mere coincidenc­e. You certainly move in small circles.

Leo July 23–August 22

You may not come out to play, and even lie that you are tied up this weekend. This could be due to another commitment or arrangemen­t. Nothing wrong with wanting quality time with one person. Simply that, a long-standing friend is not about to drop out for them.

Virgo Aug 23–Sept 22

By nature you may be an introvert. But recent developmen­ts may have made you more confident and outgoing, even though you might choose a quieter setting, if not withdraw slightly this weekend. At any rate, the rest of the clan won’t be best pleased, once you return from a journey.

Libra Sept 23–Oct 23

There could be various practicali­ties to attend to this weekend. Despite your inability to sit still, you should curtail certain activities – including travel, until you have dealt with everything. After that, you may be blindsided by some unexpected events – a trinity of them.

Scorpio Oct 24–Nov 22

Having been rewarded with a new deal you can afford to chill out. Even split everything down the middle at the tills. You should have more money available for leisurely activities. Do be careful not to upset others, no matter how lovable they appear this weekend. Fool not to be.

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 –Dec 21

The perfect weekend to laze or amble around, catch up on sleep, watch TV, do some gentle exercise. Sounds glorious. All is well in your world, until others return, and then things are bound to turn more serious. To say that you wish to remain single – that won’t wash either.

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