Irish Daily Mirror



Dear Coleen

In 2013, my husband of 45 years died suddenly. Now, finally, I feel I want to get on with living my life again and be happy. I go to my local social club and know people there, but all the men I like are married or with partners, so I won’t even go there. However, a couple of years ago I wrote to a magazine, which has a page for single people, and I started correspond­ing with a man from Wales. We keep in touch by text and phone calls, too, and now he wants to meet me. He sounds nice on the phone, but his texts are a bit sexy, even though he doesn’t really know me. I’m going to Wales on holiday and he wants to meet up – do you think I should? I really do want to be happy again and life is very lonely.

Coleen says

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with meeting up for a coffee or lunch while you’re on holiday, but if you’re with friends then why not take one along? Or why not meet during the day in a café and have a back-up plan, so if it’s going badly or you feel uncomforta­ble, you can leave. Why not ask a friend to call you halfway through, so you can either make an excuse to go or let your friend know it’s going well and you’re happy to stay. I wouldn’t necessaril­y read anything more into his texts other than the fact he’s simply flirting with you. Just be aware that you might get a very different impression of him when you meet in person than you have online or over the phone, and you might decide you’re not interested in a romantic relationsh­ip after all. And please don’t get involved in something that’s not right because you’re lonely. The good thing is, you’re ready to embrace life again and if it takes a bit longer to find new friendship­s and even romance, then that’s OK.

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