Irish Daily Mirror


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Capricorn Dec 22 –Jan 20 You should be supremely confident - and rightly so. Today’s brilliant New Moon in Libra shines a light on your career, and you’re sure to play a pivotal role. Unfortunat­ely, you could be left disappoint­ed at home. The family may well downplay your success and apply a bit of pressure. For more call 15609 11444 Aquarius Jan 21–Feb 19 The Sun at odds with your ruler Uranus indicates a time of pandemoniu­m. For some reason, you may be late, flustered and forced to adjust your plans at a moment’s notice. Quite what others make of your actions is anyone’s guess. There should be some good news – possibly from a distance. For more call 15609 11445 Pisces Feb 20–Mar 20 No doubt, this will be a day of reckoning. You could finally pull off a deal which nets you a fortune. True, things could become complicate­d or spiral out of control. A discussion may ensue, and this should resolve any problems that you may have had. Things are looking up. For more call 15609 11446 Aries March 21–April 20 The Sun in Libra is opposed by Uranus in Aries. The emphasis is squarely on matrimonia­l affairs and, personally, you may be in a sea of uncertaint­y today. Totally loving life is harder if your other half is feeling awful. Maybe things will return to normal once everyone has calmed down. For more call 15609 11447 Taurus April 21–May 21 A major alteration at work can no longer be delayed. Though you may not be afraid of a challenge, are you up to it mentally and physically? Curiously, this is also a day when a personal scandal makes you wonder if you have been gullible. It will all be fine – you’ll see. For more call 15609 11448 Gemini May 22–June 20 The Sun at odds with Uranus could mean dropping an old friend. Why is he or she surprised? Your nearest and dearest are not amused by your friend’s behaviour. Happily, somebody loves you to bits, despite being shocked by these latest developmen­ts. For more call 15609 11449 Cancer June 21–July 22 You may be under pressure from employers to stay late. You could use the family as an excuse. No way. Once you are out of the office, you can relax at home. Not much chance of that happening either. Today’s New Moon in Libra still indicates this is a proud moment. For more call 15609 11450 Leo July 23–August 22 No doubt you miss someone terribly. Now you have a chance to chat, catch up, and reminisce about your last trip. You wish. A serious clash between the Sun and Uranus may coincide with a disagreeme­nt, followed by a quick exit. Despite this, you know they will be back. For more call 15609 11451 Virgo Aug 23–Sept 22 You could be sitting on a fortune or lining your pockets. Instead, someone was talking nonsense. There are no profits, no promises of bonuses just what you should have been paid to start with. Never mind. Something is coming to you today. It will not disappoint. For more call 15609 11452 Libra Sept 23–Oct 23 An important decision has to be taken today. No matter how much others complain or rant and rave, a potent New Moon in Libra indicates you have reached a major turning point. Not wanting to disappoint someone, you could unite. But any illusions you might have had are shattered. For more call 15609 11453 Scorpio Oct 24–Nov 22 You could use some motivation, or else have a nice rest today. Except, of course, work comes first – despite feeling slightly worse for wear. On a brighter note, what comes to light is so liberating, even if it doesn’t make sense. The rational part of your brain says it can’t be true. For more call 15609 11454 Sagittariu­s Nov 23 –Dec 21 By rights, you ought to be quite ecstatic, but what is about to happen would ruin any Sagittaria­n’s romantic dreams. By all means, scream blue murder, tell a lover it’s over and don’t be drawn into an argument – all of the above. What an end to the week this is going to be. For more call 15609 11455

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