Irish Daily Mirror

Dig deep for Childline & its vital work


IT’S supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year.

But for vulnerable children, Christmas Day was an extremely dark one.

While most of us were tucking into the turkey, surrounded by our loved ones, the sickening reality is there were 1,020 children making a desperate cry for help and turning to Childline for support.

Christmas is primarily a great time for little ones but the volunteers at Childline know only too well there are so many upset and frightened children across Ireland who find it the most difficult time of year.

They contact the 24-hour service at all hours to tell them they are spending the holidays surrounded by violence and anger, suffering from abuse and neglect, or wrestling with mental health problems.

Many other young callers this week spoke of feeling anxious, sad and socially isolated.

But sadly this isn’t a one-off as the charity reports more than 1,000 calls every day from children, many of whom have been failed by the State.

This Christmas let’s all dig deep and support ISPCC and the crucial work it does.

Childline volunteers continue to answer calls from children and young people across Ireland 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, so visit It’s the least we can do.

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